Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Back to the spinning wheel.........

Wow, tonight I ventured back to the spinning class at my club. Kim is just an incredible leader and really wants everyone to achieve. I was the second person to the class and I just went to the bike I had chosen, climbed on and started spinning, this was a good 20 minutes before the class started. Unlike last week this time I was in better condition to begin with. In the class you keep pedaling the entire time, sometimes as fast as you can, other times much slower but with a lot of resistance dialed in. Sometimes you are on your feet while pedaling, other times you get to sit back down. I had a kind lady on the bike next to me and she offered many helpful suggestions, also went up front and got a little padded slip cover that you put over the seat and it gives you several more layers of padding, it did wonders. While I was not able to keep up with everyone all the time I did a lot of standing and a whole lot of spinning. I would say it was twice as easy tonight as two weeks ago, that is super encouraging. Soon I hope to begin playing racquet ball which is a passion for me, I love the game but have no touched it in nearly 20 years. I've had many other more important things on my plate for the last few years.
I woke with a start during the night, I started to wonder where my passport was. Well I found it today and of course it expired March 27 of this year. Well considering that I'm set to board a plane for Costa Rica on the morning of May 7 to conduct a wedding on the 10Th I decided I needed to solve this problem. I discovered no more cheap $35 passports, now they are at least $135 for a standard issue and if you are in a hurry plan to pay a lot more. Mary Puente from Discovery Bay Travel was kind enough to tell me that the post office in Brentwood has a passport office. Of course when I went there today I discovered that they close at 2:30 every day. Once I got out my file for Costa Rica I was also shocked to discover that I fly out on the 7Th and arrive back on the 18Th. The ticket was purchased for me and I understood I would be gone 5 days so this is a real shock. Financially this will be a huge hit but like many other problems that come up I'm sure that this too will work out. Costa Rica is a stunningly beautiful country and I know I will enjoy the sights very much. Art and Connie met there and fell in love several years ago.
Work continues to come in slowly, very slowly. Tomorrow morning I have a doctor visit with Jim which I'm looking forward to. We are planning for the future, deciding what meds to adjust.
My brother Jerry, who is the older and better looking one, just called to let me know he is thinking about coming for a visit the weekend of the 23rd. That will be something very special to look forward to.
Well I'm going to wrap this up now, need to get a bit more work done before the day ends.

Love to all, if you get a chance try a spinning class, its amazingly challenging!


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