Friday, April 17, 2009

Kallie and Keanna are in the house

Dear Friends and Family,
10:45 and the girls are finally sleeping and settled for the night. Nikki delivered them and many related items early this evening. She brought in a little pen with connecting plastic pieces that worked perfectly to keep Kallie safe. Lois delivered a movie and stayed for a bit to help with the kidos. I made pasta for Keanna and Nikki whipped up some baby food. I don't have too good of luck feeding Kallie but she dined on cherrios and snacks and then took a bottle to finish her meal. Then I held her for awhile and she watched Keanna play games and Lois make faces. Finally Keanna told me that Kallie was showing signs of being ready for bed so I get her ready. Getting her ready is no small task for someone with all thumbs. She keeps arms and leggs going continually and you just have to catch her at the right moment. What fun, what great fun. Now she is sleeping deeply in her little bed. Keanna and I made popcorn and she watched a DVD in her grammys little TV, then she transferred the DVD to the TV in her room and started to wind down. She had discovered a very clever little book attached to the new Cherrios box and had me open it, we read that book about giving dogs a bath before she fell asleep.

This has been a week that defies description really. Everything you read about the lending industry getting tighter is very much true. I'm facing conditions from underwriters I've never faced before, unbelievable comments and questions that even with my 22 years of experience I struggle to answer and cope with. As you know things tend to move from one extreme to the other and right now everyone just wants to be safe so the biggest fear for an underwriter is to have a loan come back and bite them after it closes.

In addition to underwriting hassles there is the issue of just trying to get paid. One client owes me well over $18,000,a sum that would make a huge difference in getting doctor bills and basic bills caught up. Yet there is no indications that there will be much paid very soon. One little side issue is basic allergies. I've got them, Nan and I both struggled with them every spring as so many people do. In desperation I sought the advice of my special person at Longs Drug, Sandy. She advised Zyrtec or Longs version of it. So I just take a tablet every night with my meds before I go to bed. Yet I know from past experience that after a few days that tends to cause depression. At this point I think the side effects are more than offset by the benefit I'm receiving. This has been a tough week to slug through and keep going. With Ken out of town at the races somewhere I've let the walking slack off a bit. This morning I took the dogs to the park which they loved. I know its better than nothing and I had so much to accomplish. So I waded through some nasty conditions on a duplex in Oakland, set up files, reviewed and emailed out two appraisals Jean had been so kind to help with and then set out to complete a very old appraisal I've been working on but had not finished. Well this afternoon I was happy to drive two copies to his house. That plus a quick deposit of funds and then back home to mop and prepare a bit for the girls.

I so appreciate hearing from my wonderful friends. They call in spite of knowing they may not get the best and happiest response from me, they call and urge me to my best and that means a whole lot. There was a time when I had a whole lot more confidence than I do now. When someone raises a question about an appraisal I've completed my first thought is, they are right, I am wrong when i used to think, how dare they question my work. Its a subtle change but I've got the humble thing down pretty well right now. There are so many reasons to be humble.

This evening I spoke to Suzie, Donna's daughter and the reports coming from medical people are alarming so far. Next week she will face much more invasive tests which should give better answers. meanwhile she is in a lot of pain and barely can function. I learned today that Jerry and Donna will come down this week so they can be with Suzie for the tests she is facing. They will be my house guests and I'm totally pleased.

So I'm hoping each of you will find at least part of what you are hoping for this weekend. Be kind to the one you are with, it is not a right but a privilege to be loved and in a relationship with someone. It also could be taken at any moment so live more in the moment and express yourself often, honestly and unselfishly.

Love to all,


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