Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Running fast these days

Dear Family and Friends,
9:08 and I'm finally able to slow down a bit to say hello. I started early and did pre cleaning for the wonderful Tonya who came at 8:45. There are some things just to awful to have someone else deal with. She did her magic and I left for an appointment in Oakley. It went smoothly but the carpets were really really bad. Then I headed back to the office and as I drove my brother Jerry called to tell me that Suzie was being admitted into the hospital due to extreme pain and yellowing of her skin and eyes. I continued home and took care of some critical conditions for lenders and then drove over to Martinez and spent a happy afternoon with a very special person who has faced just about everything in her life and has a smile. After awhile she was given some pain meds IV which calmed the terrific pains she was having and finally she fell asleep. My business calls kept me heading the halls so I would not disturb anyone and about 5:30 I left knowing that Jerry and Donna would arrive soon thereafter. They had an uneventful trip having driven about 300 miles from Weed.
Now we are all home and they are just going to bed. It is such a nice feeling to know they are here. And thanks to Tonya's excellent work this morning things are pretty much in order and tidy for them.
Work continues to be a challenge and there is growing concern in the industry over what will happen in a week when the new FNMA rules kick in. What is so hard to accept is hearing the holy pronouncements coming from FNMA about wanting to only make the right loans, this from the same bunch who caused the majority of the current meltdown. Now they are perfect and handing out orders on how the rest of us should behave. When government takes charge look out and hide your walnut.
This morning after doing the pre cleaning of the rough spots in the house I took time to plant a couple tomato plants. Planting the plants was no problem but getting all the weeds that had grown in the pots out, now that was something else. What a root growth some of the weeds had, amazing but I finally wrestled all the old stuff out and planted the nice new green plants. Lois was kind enough to come over and water them today while I was out. I still have some more plants to find homes for but that will be another day.
Right now its time for bed and rest. Jerry and I will walk to the park in the morning, that will be sort of a dream come true as we talk about our walking nearly every day, he walks on trails in the forests surround Weed and I walk around the lake here on pavement. His experiences sound better.
Once again tonight I seek your prayers for Suzie, tomorrow she will have a procedure which I can't spell which involves a camera in a vein with the ability to install a stent to release pend up fluids in a duct. Also there needs to be some way of determining exactly what is growing and what to do about it. I think also of Irene, how can one not think of Irene. If there was ever a case of someone doing God's errands it is Irene so we pray that God will be extra close to her now in this time of unchartered paths.
So I send my love to all,


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