Friday, October 2, 2009

Kallie is here

Dear Family and Friends,
Tonight as I write Kallie is sleeping in her room upstairs. I picked her up about 4:30 at the sitters and once we arrived home she went to work playing with her toys, exploring the house, observing the reef tank and then after Marilyn made dinner she had her dinner and she did pretty well with it. Finally it was time to let her go to sleep. I broke out in a sweat as I wrestled with getting her out of her play clothes and into PJs for the night. She was helpful and before too long I had it done. What a precious little girl, all smiles, all busy, all figuring out how things work.
This morning started out with a quick trip to Walnut Creek to see a very nice condo for a relocation. Then after a quick sandwich at Subway I drove back, rested a bit and then drove to Tracy where Jim Miller worked on my neck and using deep massage and pressure really improved everything that was hurting. This guy is good, I mean really good. I can now move my head from side to side, the headache is gone and I feel like great progress has been made. I would recommend him to anyone, he is that good.
I am thankful that enough money came in to come within $175 of covering the house payments which are always the final things to pay at the end of the month. Talk about being blessed.
Nikki has been working at the big Twins Sale at the county fairgrounds for Alameda County in Pleasanton. Tonight she is very tired and sleepy and will rest well. Steve and Keanna continue to have a very good time on their catch up with the relatives tour of the south. Jason and Jo are flying all night tonight to Italy and they are pretty tired as well having started their day at 3 am this morning.
Tomorrow we get up and go to Sabbath School with Kallie, then have lunch with Bob and Carrol and then do some resting up.
I hoping all of you can enjoy each other this weekend and find time to give God glory for His amazing love.



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