Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Progress of sorts

Good evening,
In spite of just wanting to rest and recoup my business world is coming alive again, this happens in spurts and I must step up and make things happen when I get the chance. Have to admit that most of the day my head has hurt badly, my head is stuffed and I've coughed to a point where my chest is sore. I see Jim at 8 in the morning and I hope he can provide some guidance and help. One things about being sick is my total desire to be eating at all times is broken up and I've lost a couple lbs already. I am drinking large amounts of water and eating small meals.
I rose at 7 determined to walk, came downstairs ready to go, sat down in the office chair and hours later was deep into work, writing rebuttals, setting up new orders, making appointments, doing research, taking calls.
Early this afternoon I went to see a house in Antioch. It has an interesting story. A couple years ago the structure was about 70% destroyed by a huge fire so most of the house is new or nearly new. It is a perfect property and is being sold due to a relocation of its owner. I'm being rushed in to provide a value for the relocation company so the move can happen smoothly. It was a lovely afternoon and as I worked I began to feel better and better, fresh air is such good medicine and warm sunshine is great too. The wheel I use to measure homes is failing and becoming very untrustworthy so I visited Home Depot, Lowes and Osh without finding a replacement. Now I'm concerned, surely somewhere they still make my trusty measuring wheel! Many appraisers are using the new digital devices that measure from a distance but they cost nearly $500 and to spend that money right now would be unthinkable even though it would enhance my ability to measure quickly at each house.
This evening Ray and Lois had invited us to join them for a burrito at a little hole in the wall in Brentwood so we took the van. It felt funny to ride in the far back seat with no seats in the middle. I'm keeping them out since Marilyn is going to use the van to purchase a mattress for a relative in Sac on Friday. So Ray and I rode in the back and had a good time. After eating we went to FoodMax and found lots of bargains including cheap vege food. Now we are home unwinding from a day mixed with suffering, fatigue and good news, yes another check arrived today paying for two appraisals. Great news and yes my lender on the house called at least 15 times today with its auto dialer since I owe a $40 late fee on the second loan. They must have a fortune to spend on personnel. I find them very irritating. I would guess that they have called at least 50 times in the last two weeks even though neither of the house payments have exceeded the 30 day late point.
I am thankful for new orders, for friends, for feeling some better and for so many blessings.

Love to all,


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