Friday, January 1, 2010

Low key day

Dear Family and Friends,
What a wasted day! For some reason which I can't explain I have no drive, not desire to move or do anything, when I do I'm winded or need to rest. This morning Ray came over and we ended up splitting some wood. It felt really good to hit the wedge deep into the wood and see the wood pop into two or three pieces. What was alarming was the reaction in my chest. After a few swings I could not catch my breath, I started sweating and I had to rest often. Is it really that bad that I can't split wood any more? But in a less dramatic fashion I sort of feel short of breath all the time. I was alarmed enough that I checked my blood pressure. 120 / 60 which is pretty amazing considering the way I felt.
Joyce had some insight this evening, she reminded me that I've just been injected with a lot of pain killer to deaden my jaw twice within a few hours, that I've taken Vicodin repeatedly and other pain meds as well, that I'm on a strong antibiotic and Sylvia mentioned that what I've been eating is certainly not the normal.
This afternoon in a desperate attempt to accomplish something I drove down to the RV storage lot and found all three batteries were 100% dead, not even a flicker of power. I drove back home for the battery charge device that pumps tires and provides a jump for dead batteries. I found it was in need of a charge so I settled down and wrote an appraisal while it charged. Finally I drove back to the lot but the charger would not start anything, not the engine and not even the generator. So then I drove to town and purchased a good quality set of battery cables with #6 wire. Back to the lot again and now the key turned on dash lights but would not start the engine so back to the car and run the engine at 2,000 rpm for a few minutes and finally the engine started. I gingerly drove it home not wanting it to change its mind and quit. Now it is hooked up to the house current and is charging everything up. That process took hours to accomplish.
If Keanna does not wake up by 8:30 in the morning then we'll forgo Sabbath School and I'll load up and drive to Jason and Jo's home for a couple days. I am anxious to see my little man there who is growing every day.
Ken just called so we'll try again to walk at 7:30 in the morning. This morning we tried and as we reached the curb in the front it started to rain, either of us wanted to walk in the rain so we gave up.
So far the new year has not been that exciting. I guess its up to us but for me I've got to find an energy source to wake up and get going again.

love to all

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