Sunday, March 28, 2010

A Great Family Day

Dear Family and Friends,
What a beautiful day? I slept in until almost 8:30 this morning, amazing really. Then I had some breakfast and watched a bit of 3ABN which varies from good at times to very boring. Using the little shower in the motorhome I prepared for the upcoming day expecting we would be going to Sabbath School. Plans changed as Timothy slept in very late, a rest he really needed. Jason and Jo decided we would go to Monterey and enjoy the sunny day. Jason prepared a great picnic lunch and we drove down. Finding a parking place nearby we ventured into a really enjoyable kids park where Timothy enjoyed going down a slide that is composed of a series of rollers, he loved it. He also like the maze and other play structures. Then we went to a really terrific newly created park which serves as an access point for divers wanting to enter the ocean. We found a picnic table and ate our lunch which seemed to taste even better in such a stunning spot with Monterey Bay on one side and a vast expanse of lawn on the other. Afterward we walked around for a little bit and then headed home.
Once home we all took needed naps including Timothy who slept for over 2 hours. Jason and I puttered around after he woke up and this evening we have the golf cart running again. The new batteries worked great and now it is ready to go and to sell.
Once again this evening it is cold and in spite of having the furnace on I'm sitting in shorts at the table as I write and I'm cold. The dogs are ready to go to bed and are carefully watching me for cues as to when to run to the bed and jump up.
What is really exciting around here is the great news that Jason and Jo are going to make Timothy a big brother! Timothy called me last week to tell me the news and we are all very excited, well Jo is not quite so excited as she gets to endure the side effects of the whole process.
As I sit here this evening if I strain to hear I can detect the sounds of the surf which is a few blocks away. In the morning we will head to the ocean for a nice walk.
I'm certainly hoping your day was great too. I'm reminded that the Sabbath is a time to recharge our batteries, God knew what we needed and in the same manner as my new cell phone battery which arrived on Friday in the mail is now fully charged and working great. Without the chance to recharge we run out of emotional energy, with a huge dose of nature and family today I'm feeling much better about life again.
So I'm sending love to all,

ps I'm sure enjoying the new ipod that Marilyn sent. What fun to learn how to make this amazing device work. Jo is a good teacher as she has one too.

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