Sunday, March 21, 2010

Tonight they win but in November we do when they are gone.

Good evening,
I am so disappointed in the congress tonight and I think it might just take the November election to begin to fix the mess they voted this evening. Does not the will of the american people mean anything anymore? Name one government program that is working like it is supposed to be working. Social Security - broke, Medicare - broke, Post Office - broke and on it goes. The government does nothing well and every country that has tried to have government do more and more is in trouble financially.
I will concentrate my efforts on replacing my local congressman, he's a total washout, just does what Nancy tells him to do and he held out until he got a washington gift of more water for the district and then voted yes. This time I'll campaign, work phones, whatever it takes to replace this dunce with someone in touch with his people. The people in our district were against this health care bill 2 to 1 and yet he votes against the people. Hope he has a nice job because he will be returning to it in a few months.
I can tell you this, its just Steve and me, I would not hire someone and have to worry about paying for health care as well or face a fine. Not going to do that and there are thousands of other small businesses that think the same. Can you imagine raising taxes on small business owners in a time like this? Its madness.
How long before America will rise up in revolt over government taking over everything. One huge part of the bill that was added in the last few days is a total government takeover of all student loans. Banks will no longer be doing this, why?
I slept poorly last night out of concern about this monster which is being forced on our country and lives and I'm no happier tonight. If the average American knew the full facts about what is to become the law of the land they would croak. 16,000 new IRS agents to be hired to enforce the healthcare funding, medical boards in Washington will decide what your doctor can charge and how he can treat his patients. up to 1/3 of the doctors are considering retirement because of the implications of the bill and those that remain will have to care for up to 32 million more patients along with the ones they already treat, can you say rationing.
I wonder how the rise of the power and size of government fits into last day events, a president who has almost nothing to do with religion, who is so full of himself that it is becoming obvious to even main stream media, whose poll numbers are in a free fall, what is this guy capable of?
I fear for our country and I can only trust that God is fully aware of how far we have drifted from what makes this country great and He is still in control.

I had a busy day, drove to Hayward this morning and oh did I miss the GPS. Its in the beetle which I hope to get back tomorrow, who knows, its been out of commission for over a week now.
After Hayward I drove nearly to Sacramento to shoot 10 comps spread over a 10 miles radius. That took a very long time and I was late to the concert held in a wonderful church in Lodi. The Stockton Chorale presented a very enjoyable concert and I enjoyed it with a friend.

At this point I'm ready for bed and just hope I can let the kooks be and sleep. Nan would just talk to me and remind me that I could not do anything to fix the problem that night so I might as well sleep. She was right.

I'm sending my love to all,


1 comment:

Deborah W said...

I'm scared for our country, and for my grandchildren and great-grandchildren who will someday have to finally pay back all that's being borrowed today. Socialism is here. It's a sad day.

Meanwhile, all we can do is enjoy our little corners of the world, keep out the riffraff, and TRUST!
