Thursday, May 21, 2009

Bullish on life

Wow, here we are coming to the end of yet another week. What a rush! With Loree here in the office files are finding homes, the books are getting cleared up, checks are being credited to their proper places. Orders continue to come in but if I don't get caught up with the back log they won't keep coming in.
Today I skipped walking with Ken and worked on the 4 plex in Ceres. Even though I worked on it solid from 5:30 to 9 I am far from completing it. At that point I had to take a quick shower and drive to Martinez to see a place, then on to Vallejo and finally to Fairfield. I was about 15 minutes from the house this morning when I reached for my phone only to discover I had left it in the bathroom at home. Without time to go back home I decided to face the day without it. What a lesson in dependence on a mechanical device. All day I've felt at risk without the ability to connect with my friends, family and the office / clients. When I tried to use the pay phone in Martinez I found it required 80 cents to place a call to the office. Loree was not in yet so that was a wasted call. Finally at the second inspection the kind lady allowed me to use her computer to send a yahoo message to Loree explaining what had happened. But it was at the last visit of the day that I really needed my phone.
When I knelt down to use the code and open the lockbox I found it empty, someone had removed the key so I had no access to the home and no phone to call the agent. I ended up measuring the house from the outside, peeking through the windows and then shooting comps in the area. I'll have to return once someone finds a key for me.
It is troubling how dependent I've become on having a cell phone. The inability to connect with Nikki or Jason, with clients, with Loree and the office, wow it was a real eye opener.
This evening I begged Lois to help me put the motorhome away and then we met with Keanna, Nikki and Kallie at LaVilla located in downtown Bethel Island. Kallie was good for awhile but eventually decided she had enough sitting. by then I was finished with my burrito dinner so she and I went for a walk about and saw spiders, feral kitties, a fire truck and felt the delta breezes blow over us. There is little that rivals hold little Kallie as she squirms and waves her arms and legs in glee over nothing. What a delightful experience and she is mine, I am the Pappa and I get to help with these three little tigers. Its a powerful blessing and sure wipes the frustrations of work aside with a joyful dose of reality.
For those of you who are not yet grandparents you just think I am babbling on, wait until it happens to you, ask Loren, or Wes about how sweet it is when it happens.
Good night, I send my love to each and every one of you.
In the past few days a gentle awakening has been taking place deep inside, tired of being defeated and trodden down I think I'll just go ahead and choose life, success, accomplishments, relationships, health. I'm tired of being the object of concern and even pity at times. Yea, a lot of bad stuff has happened, most of which I did everything I could to avoid and it happened anyway. I lost her after a 12 year battle that involved just about everything medical, financial, physical, emotional possible. So what now? What would Nan do? Well one thing is certain, she would not wallow in self pity and give up, no way. She would find a way to come out OK and survive. Its time!



1 comment:

Bob and Carrol. said...

Hi Tim,

You go for it Guy !

All of Us that read Your Blog every day are pulling for You.

Have a great Day,

Bob & Carrol.