Saturday, June 27, 2009

The end of a perfect day

Dear Everyone,
As I write the dogs are resting after a big day and I'm winding down as well.
The day started with Jason standing in my hallway asking if I want to go for a walk. He's been up for hours and is bored since both Timothy and Jo are still sleeping. Well I jump at the chance and we walk our dogs to the beach and back in the cool foggy air. Later I go in and find them all ready for Sabbath School. I had dressed in shorts so went that way. I ended up helping Jo by playing the piano for the program which she was in charge of. The kidos are so cute. Then we went to church where I'm sorry to say I nodded off. Or was it a very long prayer?
For lunch Jo made me a wrap. Say now that was great. It had an amazing 13 grams of fiber and was filled with salad, tomato and my 0 calorie dressing. It tasted amazing and I will start to prepare those at home. I've got lots of ideas for fillings and it s simple way of getting the salad down quickly. Jo had made some incredible muffins as well.
After lunch Timothy was ready to nap and so we all did. Then we went to a park in Felton and Timothy showed his stuff on the slides and swings. We had dinner at Mama Mia's, a place that Nan and I used to enjoy going with Steve and Nikki when they lived in Felton. We came home through pretty dense traffic and found the fog had come in so the evening was cool
Jason decided to perform a ritual over my ears with wax, fire and a paper plate. The amount of wax he got out of the ears is amazing and no I did not get burned or damaged although you really have to wonder while it is going on.
Now I'm back in the motorhome to head to bed. In the early morning I'll take Jason's car to Santa Cruz to do a driveby appraisal on a house that is a pre foreclosure and was purchased in 2007 for 2.5 million dollars. This one will be interesting for sure. Then I'll come back to help with prep for Timothy's big 2nd year birthday party. Nikki and the girls are coming along with about 20 other kids so it should be pretty exciting.
I'm told it was 107 at home today so I'm pretty happy about being here instead of there.
All in all this has been a great day, just spending time with these precious people and seeing Timothy in action, he says please, thank you, look, eat, pappa and a whole lot more.
Good night my friends,



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