Thursday, June 25, 2009

Nice 12 hour day.

Dear Family and Friends,
Today was another successful day in my new "do it now" campaign. This morning I rolled out at 6:30 and wrote an appraisal, did research, took more orders and then left for Santa Rosa. What I forgot was the road construction on Highway 101 near Rohnert park. They slowed things down a lot. When I got to the property I found a young guy waiting and as we talked we discovered that we both went to PUC and his parents had also gone there. The house was clean and priced right, the comps all within a few blocks and then I was on the road again. As I started home it dawned on me that I had skipped lunch. Asking the GPS for a Taco Bell it took me to downtown Petaluma. I made a tiny mistake, I forgot to have them exclude onions from my burrito. Oh wow suddenly I was very close to being sick so sipping ice tea I cleared my mouth and sought a new burrito. The really funny lady behind the counter was glad to help and the day was saved.
I arrived home early evening and went right over to get the motorhome. Now it is sitting in the driveway getting its old batteries charged and in the morning I'll give it a bit of a cleaning and then head out after a couple reports are written. In the afternoon I'll do a driveby appraisal in San Jose and then head over to MBA and set up near Jason and Jo's house. I have all kind of fun little wading pools left over from Kallie's party. Timothy is feeling much better now and I think is looking forward to being the big 2.
I'm heading to bed now and will rise early in the morning to begin work again. On my heart tonight is Suzie, she is just now finally getting through all the paperwork so she can get care and chemo, meanwhile the tumor continues to grow, oh how I wish people that push paper would put a rush on it when people's lives are at stake, and we want to turn all health care over to these paper pushers, are we crazy?
Also on my heart is Lydia who is Connie's sister. Connie is married to Art. Lydia was placed in the hospital when they discovered she had no white count at all, no white cells were showing. She is in isolation now since she has no immunity at this point. I know these two ladies, Suzie and Lydia would appreciate being remembered in our prayers. Lydia's husband Ron has been a friend for many years and I know he must be worried sick over this development.
This morning when I heard the news about Farrah it made me cry. I thought about how many families are robbed of loved ones for no reason other than cancer, that hateful disease that respects nothing, just grows and grows. What a waste cancer is for all of us, taking our loved ones one by one.
Sending my best thoughts to all,



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