Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Tired and satisfied

Good evening
Its 11 pm and I'm bone tired. At my age it does not take a lot to make me tired, drive 100 miles, inspect 3 houses, write two appraisals, do a load of wash, walk 3 miles. Yep, that will do it.

Suddenly I'm busy, really busy and my dear writer jean is recovering from surgery. I am always amazed how orders come out of thin air, one from this new management company, another gives me a chance to bid on one up in Sonoma, others are coming in for Richmond and this afternoon a rush order for Discovery Bay, so rushed that I saw it this evening, have just finished writing it and will deliver it in the morning, even been paid and the money is safely in my account through a credit card. For once the cell phone really came through as it delivered the order and got me set up. What was nice is that the house is less than a block from my own house, what was sad was the selling price, pretty soon you will be able to buy a house or groceries for the same price. Where will it end? Might help if Washington would stop with the spending and printing money. I can't live like that, spend what I don't have, why should the government. There seems to be a huge disconnect between reality and what those in power are doing, like pretending that there is money when there is not. There are no signs that things are getting better, everything that has been done so far has made it worse and yet they just keep on. I'm glad the Lord is in control of eternal matters because we as men and women can sure mess things up down here.
I have great news, Timothy is vastly improved today, much like his old self again and of course that takes a huge load off of Jo and Jason's shoulders, they might even be able to sleep again.
I'm heading to bed, good night to all.



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