Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Slow trip to Foresthill with safe return

Dear Ones,

Dr. George Miller just called to give an update on John's surgery. He is home and pretty comfortable. Surgery went as planned. Thank you all for your prayers in John's behalf.

This morning after I walked with Ken I did some final prep and left for Foresthill, a small area of development above Auburn off Highway 80. My GPS said slightly over 2 hours but the trip ended up being much longer. Traffic moved well until a few miles below Sacramento. For an hour I inched forward at no more than 5 miles per hour with frequent stops. Finally I reached the epicenter of the problem. An older motorhome had crashed into the back of a semi loaded with cans for canning season. Glass littered the highway in every direction and the motorhome was down in the ditch with its entire front destroyed. The car it was towing was jammed beneath the motorhome and had it lifted in the air. Of course when I passed the scene then traffic returned to 70 miles per hour. Oh how I love lookie loos, a whole lot of hours were wasted as everyone had to slow to take a look. I snapped a photo as I drove by but the photo is a bit blurred because I was speeding up as traffic was finally moving again.

Shortly after leaving Highway 80 I encountered the Foresthill bridge. This narrow bridge is straight across the deep ravine and a sign at the side of the road points out that this is the highest bridge in all of California, 750 feet to the floor of the canyon. Well I'm not wild about heights, you know the top of the former world trade center in New York where clouds were passing BELOW you as you looked over the side, the Space Needle in Seattle with its constant slight movements in the wind, not wild about heights and so I just kept my eyes fixed down the middle of the road and drove steady until I reached the other side. I have included a photo the moment for your nervous pleasure.

Once I arrived at the property I was to appraise I felt immediately at ease. This gracious 80+ year old lady had dressed for the occasion and was waiting with her over fed but very friendly lab. So I enjoyed the next hour measuring and photographing her home. It sits in the woods on an acre and has a quiet and peaceful setting. She had glorious music playing by the Jackie Gleason orchestra and is resounded throughout the home. Further conversation revealed that just a year ago she lost her husband from a long running heart illness, that her only daughter lives in Philly and she is still recovering. Photos on the wall recounted a much younger time and they made a stunning couple. We shares thoughts about survival after losing someone we cared about with our whole hearts and parted as friends.

As I was beginning to fade with lowering blood sugar I followed her directions to the only deli in town and had a nice sandwich. Revived I then set the GPS for all the comps and wandered around through the little roads until I had shot all of them. Then it was time to set the GPS for home. This time there were few traffic slowdowns and I made good time coming home. I enjoyed listening to Glen Beck on XM and then a couple old time radio show replays on XM as well. I arrived home hoping that the mailman had smiled on me, that was not to be the case today. As I checked the box there was just one card taunting me to take a cruise somewhere. Not just now I thought.

I sat down in the office and began to print out something from the Internet and the printer failed, then I checked my emails and discovered a new order had come in but when I checked in the order had already been taken by someone else. In 20 minutes my already waining spirits were totally deflated. Only a friendly IM message from Lois and Ray offered relief, cheese pizza and desert. Of course I said not but later when they said it was ready I jumped at the chance for a change in fortunes. We ate on the back deck with breezes wafting over us and good food and friendly conversation. Lois had finally been able to see the right doctor today, had a shot in her knee and finally a plan to help it feel better, that was good news as it has hurt for weeks after a fall.

This evening Jason called to report on Timothy's swimming lessons, he is enjoying them and to let me know he had spoken to Karen about John's surgery. They the world traveler Sylvia called with a brief report from her most recent mission trip. I firmly believe she is glad to be back and in her own bed for a few days before she hits the road again! Nice to know she is safe and sound with even more exciting mission stories to share.

Now I'm heading to bed. In the morning I'll help with the girls and get Keanna to her second day of school. Fun stuff.

So for now good night and God bless. I am thankful for a safe trip today. Every time I reach my own garage after one of these long trips I express my thanks to God for yet another safe and productive day.

Love to all


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