Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Time moves on

Dear Family and Friends,
Another day with pleasant temperatures and limited production on my part.
I can't seem to settle down to really meeting some critical challenges in my work. I have plenty to finish and seem to fritter away the hours.
This morning Ray came over and we tackled the spa trying to coax it into working again. We finally ended up draining it as we thought we had detected a blockage in the suction line. The heater has several devices which cause it to turn off if the water pressure is too low or if the water temperature near the spa becomes to high. We can't seem to get the pressure high enough to let the pressure switch turn the heater on and stay on. Ray checked the pump expected to find some of the blades were damaged but that was not the case. When we opened the line which drains the spa we noticed the flow coming out was very limited when it should have been a 2 inch stream. We assumed that we were dealing with the suction side which draws water from the bottom of the spa. However after the spa had drained I discovered that it had stopped draining at the jet level which means I was not draining water from the suction side at all but rather at the pressure side. I continue to believe we have an obstruction somewhere in the piping which moves water from the spa, through the pump, then through the heater, then through the filter and finally back to the jets which massage ones back with heated water. So now I'm open to any and all ideas. I just want the spa to work.
I had a nice lunch appointment with a friend this afternoon which was a nice break.
Tomorrow I determine to work harder, be more focused and get some work done. Do I hear an amen?
How is your week going? Are you on vacation? Or still at work? What a nice place to live, this California where IOUs rule. Don't need money here any more just print up IOUs and live a relaxed life. Isn't it interesting to note what states and cities are in the most trouble in our wonderful country, they just happen to be where liberal policies have ruled for years, take from the achievers and give to those who arn't, great concept but it does not work in real life. There are not enough achievers to cover all those who won't work. And when there is plenty of money flowing around it seems to work but when tight times arrive then the millions for non citizens coupled with give away programs can't be funded. There is still no free lunch, at least not for ever. And yet what do we do with those who can't work, who are injured or handicapped in some way, they should be cared for with a safety net. The challenge of helping those with real needs and the sponges of society needs the wisdom of Solomon and I'm afraid we are pretty short on such people, such wisdom.
In my little part of the business world there is growing anger over the mess created by short sighted solutions to the mortgage mess. Now sales that should be closing, loans that should be funding are being held up by the decreasing quality of appraisals as the losers are getting the work as they can work quick and cheap and experienced appraisers are being thrust aside. I am beginning to think something will happen in the next few months as the few hopeful signs of improving values, better sales numbers are getting thrashed by the mess forced upon us by bean counters and large loan companies. Something has got to give.
Those are my little thoughts this evening from my perspective. Let Americans be free to do what they do best, work hard to fix things, get government out of the way, government does nothing well but it sure can be expensive as it tries to do things that are better done by private individuals.
love to all,


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