Monday, August 10, 2009

basking in the glow of deeper maturity

Dear Friends and Family,
Thanks to all of you who have send birthday greetings today through Face Book, emails, calls, singing calls, lunch and dinners and good thoughts. I had no idea it would be this much fun to become 61. This is a number of years I never expected to reach, no one expects to grow old when they are young or even 40, but my friends it happens fast.
Ken and I walked this morning and then I played on the computer receiving more and more face book messages. I set up some orders, took the final steps to get my E&O policy in shape for the new year and prepared for lunch. Loree picked us up in her beautiful Denali SUV and we drove to Red Robin for a yummy lunch and great conversation. Of course at the end we had to endure the singing and ice cream sundae. I napped the afternoon away and set up orders. Then this evening we got to join Steve and the girls for dinner here in Discovery Bay. Afterwards we played a bit on the front lawn with Kallie walking everywhere, Keanna climbing rocks and jumping. Then it was back home to have an offer I could not refuse from Ken, he brought over his big compressor and we took the time to fill the motorhome tires up to 88 lbs. You can really tell the coach sits higher with more air in the tires. Now to drive it and see how that goes. Then Ray appeared with a case of Coors, it was actually a very clever way of wrapping several nice birthday gifts that I can really use, a new can of mocha, oatmeal pancake mix, cooking thermometer etc. Great fun. Now he and Marilyn are settling the remainder of the ills of the world in the other room while I type. I'm heading to bed soon after I put away the cars in the garage.
Tomorrow I need to settle down and work. Its time to quit paying and produce.
I am so thankful for the kindness I've experienced today from Loree, Marilyn, Steve and the girls, Aunt Ann, Fern, Ray and Lois, Jerry, Nikki and Jason and on and on and especially Ken and LeAnn for their special help. What fun to be in the world of great family and friends.

So now love to each and every one of you,


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