Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Keanna workout

Dear Family and Friends,

We are finally back and hosting cheese cake for Ray and Lois.

Ken and I trudged around the lake this morning and then I came home to do a few chores. Like picking a little bucket of tomatoes, do poop patrol and then shower and settle in to work. During the day I wrote two appraisals and then this evening I picked up the girls, delivered Kallie to her dad and Keanna to a 1st grade picnic where she ate and played. As the picnic progressed the sprinklers on the ball field came on and the kids had a blast playing in the sprinklers. Finally we dragged Keanna away and she took a bath, I dried her clothes in the dryer and she put on her PJs, then I delivered her home to Steve. it was so fun to see her playing full tilt with her friends.

Two orders came in today and I have both scheduled for the next two days. Tomorrow morning is COD which always makes my day. Of course it is a 2 million dollar property with 101 acres in Livermore so I'll earn my money. Keanna comes to visit tomorrow afternoon at 12:45 and will spend the afternoon here.

I keep waiting for the phone call re: the motorhome but so far it has not happened. I was told when I made contact on Monday morning that he was backed up a couple days so I'm not surprised with the lack of an update yet. I got a very cute email from Steve after he learned about the coach breaking down. In light of the fact that I'm always on him about borrowing it and enjoying himself he wrote, and you wanted me to borrow the motorhome huh. I thought that was cute.

Now I'm growing sleepy and fading fast.

So good night to all,



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