Sunday, August 16, 2009

Almost home and then the motorhome broke down.

Well this has been a great weekend and it was going great right up to a point about 5 miles from home when the motorhome suddenly died, no power steering, now power brakes and almost no control of the coach. What we both feel is so totally miraculous is that we drove home using Highway 17 which is narrow, high speed and steep. Had the motorhome gone dead there it is highly likely we would have had an accident but we feel God protected us to the point where the traffic was slow, the road was straight and we were able to make a complete stop safely.
When I checked under the hood the battery cables to the plus side were not tight. I worked on them a bit and then Marilyn called Ray and Lois who came to rescue Marilyn and the doggies while Ray helped with the process of getting the battery terminal wires totally tight. He ran to town after Lois confirmed the store was still open. He was able to find just the right part, came back, we put it in but turning the key produces Nothing, no dash lights, no ignition, no starting. So began the AAA process to get it towed just 2 miles down the road to a garage I trust. First I waited an hour for the tow truck to arrive but when it did the driver wanted to know why I had not told them I had a 29 foot long motorhome. Actually that was the first thing I told the dispatcher, that my 29 foot motorhome had failed and I need to be towed. Eventually AAA threw up their hands and said they could not do anything, this in spite of the fact that I pay the extra fee so they will tow MOTOR HOMES per their literature. Finally they took to the yellow pages and struggled to find a tow truck company that could tow motorhomes. This process took two hours while they wasted my time. It grew dark and still no help. Finally a AAA operator found a company in Tracy that could help and so a very knowledgeable operator arrived from Tracy with the right equipment and towed the motorhome the two miles to the garage and collected his $200 cash. Thank you Marilyn! AAA promises to reimburse the costs up to $200 so I intend to be in their office tomorrow with the receipt to get Marilyn's money back. So our on time arrived of 5:45 became 10:45 but we are both extremely thankful that if it had to break down it did it where it was safe.
Our time at Jason and Jo's was very enjoyable. Timothy is at an amazing age now and does such cute things like blink, of course it is with both eyes and totally adorable. Jo and Jason made some excellent food and this morning I walked my 3 miles plus on the beach with the dogs in the fog. Then after breakfast Jo and Marilyn went grocery shopping for their upcoming week and Jason and I did the lawns which just happen to be huge and very much like a gym workout. After a great lunch of eggplant, broccoli and pasta we loaded up and headed home. Our trip was totally enjoyable and met every goal we had set, rest, relaxation, time with Timothy, catching up on Jason and Jo's exciting lives and some beach time. It was all good.
Tomorrow I jump right back into the work world with appraisals in Antioch and Martinez, comp photos in Oakland and an appraisal that needs to be out by night time, wow, busy.
I am thankful for God's blessings and what we used to call travel mercies.

Love to all,
ps Nikki, have a safe and good week

1 comment:

Bob and Carrol. said...

Hi Tim,

Don't put a good tire & Wheel on the front where You are showing inside wear unless You invest in a Wheel alignment first before You change the Wwheel to the Spare.
Better to take the worn tire off the rim and reverse it ,then put it back on the Coach and wear off the good side. Why ruin a Good Tire?

Think about it!

You can get the info on the Rancheria Hotel at "Jackson Casino.Com". Might be some good deals there. The Raging River Buffet is open in the main Casino and the Food Court is in Full Swing. Orental, Italian, Deli & Coffe Stop.

Have a good Day,

Love You,

Bob & Carrol.