Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Marilyn wakes up

Dear Family and Friends,
Marilyn is adjusting to a time shift, 3 hour adjustment from Eastern Standard Time to Pacific Standard Time. She helped with Keanna this afternoon, managed to teach me a lot about the control to the Direct TV system and is now watching some stimulating program about a Japanese Game Show but mostly falling asleep.

I'm going to bed very soon, long day with not a lot of production to show for it. Keanna came to the car this afternoon with some scrapes from the asphalt they play on so the rest of the afternoon she was applying band aids. We got her learning video game to work which was a minor miracle, Marilyn carefully cleaned the contact points for the games and they played perfectly. Keanna had chicken mcnuggets, apple juice, then at the house a sack of popcorn, two red jellos, bottle of water. When Kallie came in she began to explore the house. I just walked behind her to keep her safe and its amazing to see how fast she walks, runs and can climb too. I saw her eying the dog door sort of considering if she could make it through to the back deck. We are so far from child safe here for her.

Well I'm fading fast. Ken the walk master has decreed that we have to walk faster so I can dump some weight and we walk at 6:30 so good night to all.



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