Sunday, August 30, 2009

Hot summer sunday

Good evening all,
We are just back from returning the motorhome to its storage space behind a secured gate and then a salad stop at McDonalds. While earlier in the day I had considered firing up the grill and doing some garden burgers but as the warmth of the afternoon filtered in we all changed our mind and decided on McDonalds where I could have a very nice salad and some ice tea. So we took some social time with Lois and Ray and enjoyed the conversation. Let me tell you with Marilyn, Lois and Ray the conversation is never never dull. Everyone has an opinion and none are shy about expressing themselves. Of course I just observe since I have few opinions that need expressing!
I've thought back several times today to the postlude that Bernice and Yvonne played yesterday after church. It was so good that it sort of sticks with a person.
This morning as Ken and I started our walk he asked if I would help him with something but he then proceeded to defer telling me what it was he needed help with. When we got back he pointed to a huge box and we rolled it to his deck where we proceeded to unpack and then build a stainless steel BBQ. Talk about lots of little parts, nuts, washers, bolts but after a couple hours it was all together and gives every indication that it will in fact work. It was fun working with Ken who is so methodical about everything and it pays off in perfection. LeAnn gave me two baskets of strawberries, oh they are good.
I've napped a couple times today and for lunch I prepared one of those bags of veges that you put in the microwave oven and it steams right in the package. Then I warmed up pinto beans and made brown rice. What a feast.
Now I'm back, sitting in the work chair and in a minute I'll call Art who called earlier just as we were ordering at McDonalds. We are fortunate in that the outside air is cooling rapidly this evening, nice for a change. The reports of the terrible fires are alarming. While I'm very glad I am not having to leave my home for fear of a fire I know many thousands are out of their homes tonight not knowing if there will be a home to come back to or not.
This afternoon is a rare moment of house cleaning I started to go through a box of papers which has been on the floor of my office for a long time. As I started to wade through I came across many papers given by the home health companies that treated Nan and then I came across items from her working area. It was pleasing to see her beautiful handwriting, her notes, her organization and to remember once again in a slightly different way what a talented lady she was. While from time to time I contemplate the fleeting thoughts of discovering a new friend at this point nothing real has come my way. I'm not rushing to fill a void or building walls to prevent something someday to happen. I think this is an area that is fairly easy to allow God to guide.
I'm praying for income, new orders, the drive to pursue new business and the wisdom to make solid decisions. As always I welcome your prayers.
Sending love from here to you,


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