Saturday, August 29, 2009

That lady can preach....

Dear Ones,
This has been a different kind of day from the depressing week it follows. Ken and I did our 3 miles this morning but the temp was 70 instead of the normal 60 and we felt it. Later in the morning I drove to Tracy to attend the worship service there. Our pastor Jessica delivered a really powerful sermon and has such an excellent communication style that it went quickly and nearly everything presented was fresh and new. I especially enjoyed hearing music from a couple of my favorite people. Bernice White at the organ and Yvonne Miller at the piano, what a team, the music just waltzed us right out of the church with a beautiful postlude.
Once I was clear of the friends at church I reentered my very hot black beetle and headed for Sacramento to pick up Marilyn. When I arrived on the minute I found Marilyn with three sisters and two close friends posing for photos and saying last minute good byes. It seems she had a great time on her brief visit.
It was very warm today but the bug did great keeping the air cool and comfortable. We arrived home to a cool house, eager doggies and comfortable recliners. Just now we are back from a quick visit with Ray and Lois on their back deck with torches blazing.
Now its time to get some sleep. Tomorrow will be a real work day and it is my goal to be very productive both in appraisal production but also in beginning to tidy up the office.
Please continue to pray for Barbie, Suzie, Irene and those who are struggling to hold onto their homes. This is not an easy time for many right now and the feeling that things are slipping out of control is tough to cope with I hear.
So good night to friend, family member and any other person who might have happened across the blog.


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