Thursday, August 13, 2009

Summer days

Dear Family and Friends,
Well the very warm days of summer are here. Ken and I walked this morning but it was already 70 when we walked and the day grew warmer from then on. I got out as soon as I could this morning to see two properties in Brentwood, one a 3700 sf REO in good condition with a pool, sport court and huge lot, $425,000. Of course it was listed for $393 or something so buyers are driving prices higher, well above list price. After I completed that home and shop the comps I headed to the second home but the phone rang and it was Lois, she had fallen and thought she might have broken her leg. As I was far away I called LeAnn who came over and along with Loree got her on her feet and into the house. Later Lois called to say she had showered and felt some better, now she just called to say she is in great pain. This could be a rough night for her and I know prayers are in order for her.
I came home and sat down and wrote the appraisal for the inspection I had just completed. Then it was time to pick up the girls, drop Kallie off to her daddy and take Keanna to gymnastics class. Keanna had a great time. Afterwards we drove to a local mexican place that Keanna and I both like and she ordered her food, salted the chips, got my straw out for me and kept Marilyn and I both amused. Then we dropped her off and came on home. We took the time to position the motorhome so we could drop the line and dump the tanks. Sure helps to have someone to warn you when you are getting to near the house. Now the motorhome is hooked up again and the frig is cooling for our trip to see Jason and Jo and Mr. Timothy. What fun we plan to have with his highness. I can't wait to see his new behaviors and hear his new words. Of course the fact that the ocean can be heard in the distance and the cool coastal breezes will be blowing over us is not important at all!!
This of it, last Friday night we were at Jerry's at his beautiful acre in the cool mountain air and this weekend we'll be at MBA to enjoy more beauty. I'm so looking forward to driving with the newly inflated tires, even just moving it around on the street to position it to dump the tanks I could tell a difference in the way the steering is easier and there is less sway in the coach. When you are broke and getting to the upper end of middle age life's pleasures are a little more basic, like a better handling motorhome or finding a new quicker way to get somewhere, all fun stuff or a dryer that dries loads in one cycle instead of three.
The financial picture is pretty grim right now, just looking forward to a few checks coming in soon.
This evening as we worked outside we could hear many sirens moving about and then the medical hospital arrived to land in the park. Usually that means someone has been hurt on the water and they have been brought to the park where they can be loaded onto the chopper for a quick ride to the trauma center in Walnut Creek or Oakland. It is always an ominous time of reflection considering how many times Steve and Nikki have been on the water over the years and have escaped serious injury during that time.
Sending love to all and a special greeting to Suzie, the bravest little lady! You are loved and admired by so many people.



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