Friday, August 28, 2009

The finish line

Good evening
After an interesting week of affronts to my sanity finally tonight its over. For those of you not located in California I want to tell you, it is warm here. Even Jason and Jo who live near the ocean and have an average summer temperature of about 65 to 70 are having it in the 80s and above. Not fun to try to sleep when it is so warm.
This morning with Ken safely tucked into an early morning meeting I skipped walking and went right to work. I was able to find a couple more ways to save a few bucks each month and worked on an appraisal for the property I saw yesterday. At 11 I left for an appointment in San Lorenzo. It seemed warm in the car in spite of the faithful work of the AC and when I stepped out of the car at the subject property it was into a warm muggy atmosphere. The home I was there to inspect was beautiful in every way with a new kitchen, huge family room, perfect and expansive patio areas of painted concrete and dozens of photos on the walls of their family. I enjoyed myself very much. But as I walked to the car the blood sugar levels were obviously very low and I could hardly function. I asked the GPS for the nearest Taco Bell and followed its instructions. All was well until I opened the burrito to find it was beef, not bean. So I backtracked a few blocks and requested a redo. The replacement was much better and after a few bites my distress receded. Then I drove back to shoot the comparables and headed home.
However the quick trip home I envisioned was not to be. Traffic came to a halt in Castro Valley which is a long ways from Livermore where I normally leave the freeway. So after fighting traffic for awhile I left the freeway and opted for back roads. Sure they take forever but at least you are moving. Stopping in Livermore for fuel with over 500 miles driven I filled at $2.85 a gallon.
On the way home Nikki called and I learned that Steve's mom is in town for a wedding and is visiting them. How wonderful that the kidos get to see their grandma even if just for a short time.
This evening when I got home I discovered a check in the mail. Sure it was not a large one but I had to stop myself from scoffing and remind myself to be grateful.
My hearts desire it that each and every one of you will find time to worship, fellowship and touch another person this weekend. Life, while it is often almost unbearable at times, remains a privilege.
In the spirit of caring for one another this evening I once again ask for prayers for our dear friend Irene, her ongoing battle with GIST is not an easy one and I know she enjoys being remembered to our Healer and Friend. Also this evening Barbara continues to battle some health issues and we pray that her infection will be curbed and her heart calmed.
When talking to Barbara today she mentioned an interesting point. We are all aware of the horrible kidnapping that is just now being solved with the discovery of the young lady who was held against her will in Antioch. Over the years I've worked on that street and in that neighborhood several times. Samantha, Barb and Gerry's grand daughter, was used in the TV show that was broadcast at the time of the kidnapping. It was a reenactment of the kidnapping which took place in Tahoe and Samantha looked a lot like the girl who had been taken. Now after all these years the case is finally solved.
Take good care this weekend.

love to all


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