Friday, December 25, 2009


Good evening,

What a rewarding day. This morning I joined the family. The girls had risen early because they were still on the Hawaiian time. The tree was beautiful and bulging with lovely presents. Kallie and Keanna raced about in anticipation of the chance to begin opening.

It is very amusing to observe Kallie open presents. Having been taught so far that we don't tear or destroy things all of a sudden she is encouraged to rip and tear. She learned fast. Keanna was thrilled to Santa's gift of the American Girl doll. It was all she has talked of months. Nikki had been able to obtain many of the clothes and other accessories through Ebay. Keanna thought she was in heaven and then came the DS. Its an amazing little hand held device which she enjoyed from that moment on. Kallie was thrilled with her Barbie electric car.

A subtle pain that I experienced yesterday in my jaw began to grow as the day progressed. During the afternoon it became almost overpowering and while visiting Steve's precious family in Tracy I asked for a pain pill. I took it and got some relief but as the evening has progressed the pain has intensified. Now its 10:30 and I have a full blown tooth ache. I've left messages with a local dentist that I know and also messages with Jim my physician but so far no call backs, not surprising considering that its Christmas. I hope to be able to get through the night with pain meds and if I have to I have vicodin waiting. I don't want to have to do that though since it totally knocks me out. I hope to be able to locate some dental help tomorrow. The tooth that is hurting is one that has long had a filling and a new cavity must have opened elsewhere in the tooth. So this could be one interesting night. I also found a box of Zithromax 250mg antibiotic so I took two of those to try to deal with any infection that might be involved.

So now I'm heading for bed and putting my trust in the Lord to see me through the night. No fun to hurt but it has been a really meaningful day.


ps, if you read this and have any ideas call me 925-634-6132.

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