Monday, December 7, 2009

Winter closes in on Northern California

This evening the furnace is doing its thing more often than usual and the warm air feels very good. In a few minutes I'll go build a little fire and watch a bit of TV. I've earned it.
This morning I rose and went right to work. I wrote two appraisals that were due and it felt good to settle down and just write. With the computer working so well now things went real well. One went to the east coast for a short sale for a little place in Modesto and another went for a little place in Pacheco, homes were very similar, Modesto was just over $100K and the one in Pacheco was just under $300K. Location still means everything.
This afternoon I had to drive to Richmond to do a follow up inspection, its called a 442 or CIR inspection. Pays just $75 and requires 2 hours of driving through nasty holiday traffic. Not a good way to get rich but required if one wants to be an appraiser. When I reached the property I was startled to discover the front door unlocked and the key box hanging open. I went in very carefully not knowing what I would discover. What I did discover though was a house where all the little things I had called in the appraisal were completed and all was well. Still having a house standing open in that area is not good. I locked it as best I could and left a message for the broker.
On the way home I ventured into a strange Safeway. You just have to know I only go where I am used to everything as I hate to wander around. I found the few things I could afford and came home via Clayton and a back road without rush hour traffic.
I've been listening to a CD that I found. Nan and I purchased it when we were in the big easy, New Orleans on a brief trip. This was pre Katrina and were walking near the French Quarter by a huge cathedral. We heard wonderful choir music drifting from inside. A college choir was performing and afterwards they sold the one album they had made, a Christmas one. Until this afternoon it had never been opened. What glorious music to enjoy while driving. Nan and I were captivated by their clarity and precision and the CD sounds the same. Talk about a touch with the past.
Once again it is late evening and I'm fading fast. Could it be the warm air wafting around me from a nearby vent? or the mocha steaming in my cup?
I want to take a moment to thank everyone that reached out to me this past weekend to help me through the two year anniversary. I appreciate the love extended by family and friends alike. It helped a great deal. I know Nan would have been honored by the support extended.

love to all,


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