Monday, December 14, 2009

A Great Day in Kona

Dear Family and Friends,

How I wish you were here with us. Of course since that is not possible I'll just share a bit about life here. It is nicely warm, about 80 during the day and a bit cooler in the evening. I'm just back from the big spa which is between the pool, bar and golf course. Huge palm trees wave gently in the breezes and torches lite the night sky. The spa was bubbling tonight, just waiting for someone to enjoy it warm water.

We started the day with a morning in the pool and wading area. Kallie got more mileage out of a simple watering toy that Nikki had purchased and Kallie enjoyed her water wings. The pool was cool but nice after a bit. I would let her sit in the hot top for only a few minutes and then had to get out, just seemed to warm for a little one.

After several hours we came back to the room and Kallie took a wonderful 2 plus hour nap. Steve had been out exploring the ocean, the reefs and the exotic underworld. He came back with camcorder photos to share.

For lunch we found a Taco Bell and a Burger King for Keanna and enjoyed a quiet time of eating. Then we found CostCo and explored what they had to offer. They have the best buys on Hawaiian clothes especially men's shirts. However since I've been here many times before and have the shirts to prove it I left without buying anything.

Steve was able to sign up for some dives one of which is at night. He found small operations which only take a few divers for each dive and feels very comfortable with what they have to offer.

Eventually we made our way back home and we found plenty of food to snack on. Now I'm just back from the spa and ready to find some sleep.

Interesting points of Kona include the three volcanos which form the 13,000 center of the island where many days the ground is covered with snow. I'm not sure we will make it to the active volcano this time as we've been many times before.

This island has been hammered by the recession to the point that many small businesses we are used to have closed. Others are on the brink of failure. Yet most of the prices remain high, higher than one would be used to on the mainland.

So I bid you mahalo for reading the blog this evening.



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