Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Keanna does the Christmas tree

Dear Family and Friends,

There is something really special about that moment when you've pushed your way through moms and grandparents to be at the front of the line by the gate and then there is a squeal as Keanna spots you and runs to you with words rushing, arms swinging, coat dragging, a backpack slung over a shoulder. She has arrived and with her a zest for living, a step back in time to when Nikki and Jason used to rush out after school. It is a magic moment and only can be retained for a second or two, then Keanna has a list of must do items. As she makes her way through the throng of kids she waves to some, hugs others and smiles at all, finally we arrive at the car to be told by some irate mother we parked in the wrong place, interesting since cars and vans are parked everywhere blocking everyone else in until gradually they begin to crawl out.

Today Keanna nixed McDonalds and with that went my longing for some nasty fresh fries. Instead she wanted to go shopping at some store they have at the school. Well since my total liquid assets were contained in one dollar bill nestled in my day timer we drove to the bank where we found an account that would part with $20. Now we were rich so we drove back to the school to discover that the store opens tomorrow, not today after all.

The next plan was to unfold at home and upon arriving she fired up the
DVR, found Clifford the Big Red Dog and launched an episode. Since she had homework she demonstrated multi tasking 6 year old style by eating a jello, did her homework and observed the Clifford show as the same time. Soon she was seeking further nutrition so we started peeling Cuties, little orange thingies that she loves. Then it was saltine crackers and lecture on why I was out of popcorn. I mentioned the forlorn tree so she brightened to working on it. While I draped the little light sets around the tree she began to unwrap small delicate Christmas Tree ornaments that had been so carefully wrapped by Sharon long ago. Now the tree looks great and brightens the entire room. Unfortunately the angel that crowns the top won't stay upright but she is still doing a pretty good job.

Before long Keanna began to discuss the merits of me buying her some reindeer ear rings that some of her friends from school were going to be wearing soon. She even knew the store where they could be found. So when we headed out for music class we went early and visited Claire's, a store that will drive you nuts if you happen to have a 6 year old with you. There are just way to many wonderful things that she wanted and of course they were out of the ear rings. So finally and tearfully we left the store, she was doing the crying and I was doing the coaxing.

Amazingly as we neared the bagel store where the music class is held she began to complain of hunger, could that be possible? So one Christmas cookie later she was in class and I took my first full breath in hours. Oh yes the cute little girl at the counter said $2.50 please and I told her we just wanted one, not a whole dozen, she froze me with a youthful stare and I found the $20 dollar bill. Keanna took one bite, hid the cookie in her bag and she was gone.

I cannot possibly understand how that young mother decided she needed 14 kidos to raise, was she crazy? Doing a decent job with one or two takes everything coping skill an adult can muster. 14????

So the whirlwind came, buzzed around and was gone, what a great enjoyable trip she is.

Now I know you who have grandchildren are shaking your heads in agreement and those so unlucky to be without are just wondering what afflicts older people with little kidos. Its the greatest excitement that exists! No wonder Jesus hushed his disciples and told the little ones to come to him. He needed a laugh, a smile, a kick. We were all young once and in God's timing it was not that long ago. What a good thing it is to be exposed to young minds and be challenged by their energy, their short attention spans, they instant movement from angry to happy and back.

So in the midst of a cold winter day Keanna turned everything to a game, to joy, to possibilities.

I send love to all including my kidos,

I am blessed,


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yeah, yeah, JUST SAY NO! That's what I do.
