Monday, March 3, 2008

Chef Timothy

We will try again, hit one wrong button and you have released an empty blog! Good evening friends and family,
This evening bored with sitting in my work chair and very bored with pushing numbers that seldom really add up these days I wandered into the kitchen. Inspiration struck and I decided to venture into the world of fresh vegetables. So out came the asparagus which I cut at an angle after removing the bottom inch or so of waste, then I added fresh mushrooms, cubes of tofu and several small vege meat pieces from a can of dinner rounds. I sprayed a bit of olive oil from a spray can I usually use to coat pans before frying and put it all in the microwave. It came out just great, after cooking I cut up a half fresh tomato and served with frozen peas with just a touch of butter. The drink was V8 and the meal was a success. I think on either likes asparagus or not and I happen to be one that does. Most of these ingredients were purchased when my brother was here guiding me through the Safeway. The tofu soaked up the juices from the mushrooms and the dinner rounds and added extra protein to the meal, a vital consideration for the diabetic lifestyle.
Later I celebrated with a call from Jerry and a CSI Miami episode while sipping a hot mocha.
I started the day at 5:55, took my blood pressure while still lying in bed, then up to dress since we were walking at 6:15 this morning. It was a perfect morning and we made good time. Then breakfast with the customary oakmeal, 1/2 wheat english muffin, applesause and the morning news. The food was better than the news. What a mess this old world is in at the moment!
Then I took the commute to work, its about 15 steps, started the dryer and set about writing an appraisal for the property on Sherman Island. This one I did not send to Jean, it was so complicated and when I sat down I still had not decided fully on the comparables I would use. About 12:30 it was finally completed and then I started another one which took the afternoon, just when I was ready to finalize it the lender said they were using Countrywide. Well Countrywide has new rules. 2 of the comparable sales have to have closed in the last 90 days, not the normal 6 months. I had no such comps in the report and when I found them in MLS they pushed the value down so much that the deal will probably not work so no pay day for the afternoon at all. Nikki called and asked if I would pick up a packet for kindergarten here in Discovery Bay for Keanna's next year. I was happy to stretch and drive down to pick it up. Later they came by and it was nice to see the smiles and grins that little girl can generate. They were on their way to the gym where Nikki continues to work out even though many weeks pregnant. I'm so proud of her and her determination.
Then it was time for the food channel in my kitchen which I have already reported. This evening I have talked to Jerry and he and Donna have been hard at work all day packing all of his things getting ready to close the second home, 5th wheel trailer parked in Sacramento and move back to Weed where their main home is. It sounds to me like he is enjoying the whole idea of retirement and he certainly deserves it.
Today there have been only a couple bill collectors and they have been very kind and were willing to work with my situation. Blue Cross in their wisdom had paid me directly last week with two checks that should have been for a special group of trauma physicians that work at the hospital but do not have an agreement with Blue Cross. When they came to the room every day I had no idea that their billing would be different and unusual. Well now I know. So I signed the two checks Blue Cross had sent here and mailed them to the trauma physicians address. Easy come and easier go.
This afternoon I was delighted to hear from my friend Sylvia. She and I have some of the same issues and some that are very different yet we relate perfectly. She has copied some important things from the book Dolly provided her and is mailing them to me to digest. Sylvia is a very special person and really quite amazing in what she can accomplish, she is the most organized person I know yet has a heart with so much compassion, she was excellent in her special attention and care of Nan during the summer and fall. When I knew she was coming to visit I knew Nan was in for a treat and so did she. In many ways Sylvia has a much more complicated journey right now than I do as she arranged and settled many issues left over from the practice, travel, building ownership, insurances etc. She has a good team of people she trusts to help her and she is making excellent progress day by day. Her boys and extended family are great comfort and strength to her as well.
Today's mail brought two checks which are desperately needed and much appreciated. Loree and I are working together to make sure that statements can be mailed out again this week to our clients to remind them of things they owe. I would guess that at the present time the total owed is well over $50,000 with one client owing more than $20,000 most of which has been put on the books since August. My prayer is that God would nudge the ones who write checks to do so and then I can in turn pay my bills. At this point I have no interest in getting wealth, I'm only interested in honoring my commitments and keeping things afloat. I probably should set my sights a bit higher and find ways to cut back expenses that don't need to happen.
This evening I had a great talk with Jason and he is feeling the pressure from the upcoming Academy Day which is just two weeks away. It is an important time as potential students come to visit, to be inspired and hopefully to make a commitment to MBA for the fall. It is Jason's weekend to make happen and I know he will do fine. He says Julie, Jo's mom, is waking from her jet lag and cooking up a storm. Timothy is enjoying having grandma for a few days.
Well goodnight my friends and family members,
May your dreams have great meaning and your waking moments bring happiness to you and yours.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good Morning!

Well, I'm impressed! That sounded like very good asparagus! I'm glad you are getting adventurous. Your culinary skills are gradually improving and moving past microwave oatmeal. You may try adding nuts, raisins or dried cranberries to your oatmeal. Good stuff! Keep up the good work!

Tim you should be commended for working so hard to pay off your bills. It's not an easy task! One step at a time and you will succeed. The Lord has provided you with work. Now to get them to pay for your services....

Sorry, my dreams never seem to make sense. I did dream last night, but it wasn't very interesting. We were visiting some mansion and we were baby sitting some one's kids. Maybe the waking moments will be more meaningful. Maybe?

Keep up the good work, chef Timothy! And may your life have more meaning waking or sleeping.

We love you ~ Carol