Sunday, March 16, 2008

Nikki has a birthday

Dear Family and Friends,
This has been a very nice day. Since it was so windy this morning I decided not to walk outside but to use my tredmill so for 45 minutes I walked and ran slowly for an excellent workout. In the morning it will be an exterior walk though around the lake with Ken, fresh air is nicer. Its amusing to watch the dogs and cat as they sit by and watch me walk in place, they have such strange looks on their faces and then finally they just walk away.
Today was Nikki's birthday and as of last night the plans were a bit sketchy due to the various states of illness for all of us. This morning we went to the wonderful Byron Inn to wait and finally be seated, the food is just about perfect there. Then as we drove home we decided to go to the Cow Palace to the garden and lawn show. The show had everything, waterfalls, gardens, rocks, orchids, plants, dozens of private sellers hawking their various wares. It was really a beautiful show. When we were all so tired we could not walk any more we drove home to Antioch to the Uno's Chicago Style Pizza Bar and Grill for some pretty good food. Then finally home. None of us are feeling perfectly healthy yet but it was so good to be able to spend the day together. Keanna was a very brave little girl, rested some in her stroller and took in the sights and sounds, did some crafts along the way, watched a movie in the car and arrived home having fallen asleep.
Now I am heading to bed in the next five minutes. Tomorrow afternoon I see Dr. Savage, a cardiologist on referral from Dr. Edwards. My health situation has changed so much since the referral was made that I hope to be able to persuade him to hold off on expensive tests for now. I really think my daily 45 to 50 minutes of fast walking have demonstrated a fairly healthy heart. I hope I am doing the right thing.
Once again it is H day, that is house payment time. The two payments total about $2,800 and its always a huge challenge since checks trickle in a few at a time, never a large amount on any one day. It seems the money trickles out at a rate close to that coming in. I can hope, pray that some checks arrive in the mail tomorrow.
All in all this has been a weekend and as some of you know who have learned to live with an empty house, the weekends can be the hardest time since weekends were the time we spent 24/7 with our loved ones. Now they are a very quiet time with hours of silence and plenty of time to think and remember. I know there are many of us who now face life alone and we each face it in slightly different ways. I also know it is very quiet and can be a time of sad reflection as we remember other similar days which were filled with that special person.
I do not mean to complain or gripe at all, this is the way it is and I know I need to learn to accept it and make the best of it. Yet I find that in these blogs I don't have to white wash anything. I can simply say what I am experiencing and you can respond in the same manner. I get so many replies privately to my email, or I find great support and encouragement when I read what you forward to write. I feel like I am in the middle of people, not so alone and thats a good thing.
May God bless you as you move into this new week He has granted us. Oh that we can reach someone who needs what we are uniquely equipped to give, give us the courage and love to do the reaching out.

love to all,
ps This could be the week that Sharon moves into her little bungelow in Texas, don't you wish you could just join me for a peek! Sounds wonderful in every way. Go for it Sharon!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Dear Tim,
I'm glad for Nikki's birthday. Doesn't seem so long ago that she was the size of Keanna, and she looked very much like her, too. So glad they are close for you to enjoy. Thinking of you and love you, Aunt Ann