Wednesday, March 26, 2008

A delightful encounter

Dear Family and Friends,
Ken could not walk this morning so I took the dogs to the park which they enjoyed very much. The a quick yogurt as breakfast, research and off to Antioch to see a home that the people might lose without the FHA loan and the appraisal. They had hoped and expected $470,000 and I'll be lucky to make $320,000. This is due to the sad situation that now the only sales are those that are bank owned and they sell them cheap just to get them out of their inventory. After Antioch comparable photos were shot I dialed in the address for the Fremont property and followed its lead. On the way I discovered that my phone had not been all all day, that was a real surprise and when I did turn it on I found I had missed 7 calls. Some were more important than others but all were missed just the same. So as I flew down Freeway 680 in the fast lane I listened and then talked. Thanks to the blue tooth Jawbone I did that fairly safely, Les, good advice on the Jawbone.
In Fremont I realized that I had seen the home two times before. Its a home that is better every time I inspect it. This time it had a beautiful new kitchen with granite, custom cabinets, gas cooktop, clever lighting, roll out drawers, it was a wow kitchen! As we talked the owner shared that she was just about to embark on caring for her mother who has many many health issues including cancer. So we had a lengthy discussion of the whole care taking process and how much she would need home health care by a dedicated nurse like our Terry was. I left my numbers with her to call if she needed to talk. She in turn suggested a book that she felt is outstanding. A true story it tells of a local person who was hiking, ended up lost and in a strange village, was cared for lovingly by the people and has now ended up providing several school buildings all donated by interested bay area people. The book is named 3 cups of tea. She also introduced me to a device from Amazon books, an electronic device that lets you hold and read several books which are downloaded directly from Amazon for a reasonable fee. It means you could be stuck someplace and have all the books at your disposal that you could ever possibly need to read yet is light weight and very portable.
So once again in spite of doing a fairly boring job, appraisals, I found an interesting person to learn from and to share with. Then after shooting the comp photos I searched for food, I was hungry and finally found a Taco Bell. So bean burrito later I was back on the road to drive up the Niles Canyon Road, beautiful this time of year, through traffic to Livermore where I decided to come home rather than drive another hour to Stockton to do that appraisal. Tomorrow, tomorrow as Scarlet from Gone with the Wind would say.
When I reached home I found that the wizards Loree and Tamara had been at it again and the office was tidy, files were put away and real honest progress was evident. Messages were by my computer and it felt so good to arrive to a well ordered office. Thanks Loree and Tamara.
Now I'm sleepy, tired and ready to rest. This evening I heard from Sharon, sister in law from Texas and she is getting settled into her new home in Texas. Amazingly she is finding the closets she designed for the new home to be too small, mind you there is a closet which serves another closet in the master suite, too small indeed!
I am so happy for her, that she is finally in her new digs and starting to enjoy it.
So good friends, in the east, south, west and north, may God bless you. Earlier in the week a friend sent me a funny email which related to money and if I would pass it on the money angel would bring money, well money has continued to come in, not huge amounts but at least some nearly every day. Thank you Lord for releasing that handful of checks someone mentioned you were holding.
Good night



1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Tim,

Sounds like things are picking up for you. AND the checks are coming in too. Great! God sends what we need when we need it the most. If you got it all at once maybe you wouldn't spend it wisely. This way it comes in slowly and keeps you guessing.

Lesley, who used to work for us, is now a realtor. She says she is going to sell Lakemont. Her boss is having her do the comps on us to see if we are in the ball park. Whether or not she sells Lakemont it is good practice for her. I don't know who I would rather give a commission to. She's a great gal!

My body is complaining tonight. I'm very tired!!! I have washed and folded 7 loads of laundry today. Next week I start Sonya on laundry. I'll have to teach her how to do it and give her only part of it at a time. I may still keep doing either sheets or towels for awhile until she gets the hang of it.

Keep up the good work!

Love ~ Carol