Sunday, April 19, 2009

A different kind of day

Dear Family and Friends,
I'm writing now as I plan to be in bed in a few minutes. Planning to start this new week right with some rest for a change.
I allowed myself to sleep in this morning and then found some very old work shoes and headed outside. Following up on the yard work I had started I waded into the edging and knocking down some very eager weeds that had grown. The rose bushes are loaded with beautiful roses that Nan selected over the years and thanks to kind LeAnn's trimming at the right time they are now in bloom. Whites and reds, yellows and pinks, wow, they are a wonder to behold.
So I pulled out my little electric edger and began. First I edged the front lawn and wiped out some nasty weeds here and there, then I moved to the side and rear areas. These areas were over 3 feet deep in weeds. I just waded in with the edger and it did an amazing job. Lois came out at 9 to wonder why I had to be working so early on a Sunday morning, actually she was kidding but I guess I amazed myself too. Not being used to doing anything physical I began to fade long before the job was done but I just stuck to it and then followed up with the mower to collect some of the knocked down weeds. It looks so much better now. Finally I quit to go make breakfast and that turned out to be whole wheat pancakes and soy milk. It tasted great. Then I moved to the garage to tinker with the failed sprinkler controller. No matter how hard I tried I could not revive it so finally I drove to town to the Ace hardware place and purchased another one. Upon arriving back home I programmed it and hooked it up but found that nothing happened, just silence and no water. So it was back to the actual valves and a quick redo of the common wires. Still nothing, so back to the common wires and more careful attention. This time I was rewarded with functioning values so that mission was accomplished.
By this time it was time to get cleaned up for an appraisal assignment which was a local one. I did that one fully intending to come back and plant the tomato plants but instead I napped in the recliner for a bit and then started to work on appraisal stuff with one more quick trip back to town for a little halogen bulb for my desk lamp.
When I finally realized I had not eaten for hours I went in search of grub. What I found was the sack of broccoli and cauliflower I had cooked by forgotten in the microwave on Friday night. It had been in the frig since and was ready for a quick warm up in the microwave and tasted great. Along with some brown rice the meal was complete. Then a quick visit over to Ray and Lois to observe his dock work and the sunset, well I missed the sunset. Now I'm back and still working on an appraisal for a Livermore property. However I'll finish it tomorrow, I'm heading for bed now. I'm sore but I actually feel quite good. I'm really looking forward to seeing Jerry and Donna later in the week.
Well here we go into the new week, are we ready? Probably not but its coming anyway. Once again I would ask that you remember Suzie, Irene and little Kallie who is still not feeling well.

love to all


1 comment:

Bob and Carrol. said...

Good Morning Tim,

90 degrees seemed a bit HOT for mid April? At least it gave Us all a chance to find out if the AC is in working order. Ours is fine, came on at 5:30 Yesterday We are set at 75.

We are traveling to Oakhurst for a couple of Days Tomorrow, My Sister Patty and Family are spending the week at Bass Lake which is only a few miles form Oakhurst, 5 ,they tell Us.

Our Choir is singing Sabbath at English Oaks so We will be driving back to Lodi on Friday.

We need to get the "Train" rolling again soon, Maybe You could join Us Sabbath evening after the Choir Vesper Program at E Oaks? Love to have You along for the ride!

Have a good Day,

Love You,

Bob & Carrol.