Saturday, April 11, 2009

Multifaceted day - outstanding!

Dear Family and Friends,

What a special day! It started with Starr and Lady demanding a walk to the park. Then it was time for a quick breakfast. The next stop was back at the park where 5,000 eggs had been hidden and Keanna and Kallie intended to get their share. At 10 am the tape was opened and the girls began their fight with thousands of other children. Keanna had a huge easter egg bucket and was dressed so cute. Kallie was dressed warmly and was all smiles. They both posed nicely with the easter bunny. Steve appeared riding his nice bike and played with the girls. I decided it was time to drive to church but before I did I sliced up a loaf of bread knowing it was potluck today.

Church was packed and I finally managed to find a seat only open because Bob Miller was up running the sound system. Our new pastor Jessica preached today and I found her sermon to be on target, well prepared and nicely delivered. This lady knows what she is doing. I even stayed awake.

Potluck was enjoyable and Michael and Kevin Ahn were there and it was great to hear what they have been doing. What outstanding guys they have turned out to be. Sylvia was everywhere like usual but finally managed to find time to eat. She does a lot to make the worship hour turn out well.

As I was leaving Nikki called to say Steve had taken Keanna with him to Carnegie which is a state operated off road park to ride dirt bikes and atv. Keanna has her won little 50 cc gas bike with trainer wheels. So I headed out there and so did Nikki. We arrived at roughly the same time and spent a great afternoon in the sunny afternoon watching as Keanna learned a lot about riding her motorbike. She is doing very well and by this evening was going fast enough to stop a pappa heart. We had enjoyed our time there.

Now I'm home and I just surrendered my aging banana's to Ray in hopes of banana bread soon.

I've included a couple photos from this morning in the park. All in all its been a great day, full of love, family, friends, good food and worship.

love to all


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