Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Joy comes to visit

Dear Family and Friends,I
I'm sending out the blog early this evening while I'm still basking in the afterglow of special visitors this afternoon.
At 2 pm I picked up her highness, Miss Keanna at school and we drove the few blocks to the house where Sylvia was pulling weeds in the mist. For the next several hours just hearing the joyful sounds as they played games, repaired the bunny who had a seam that was giving, made snacks and took turns looking at the birds nest that is nestled adjacent to the kitchen garden window. Keanna was able to see tiny eggs and was thrilled.

Now in the quietness of the house after they have gone I still hear echos of joy, of life, of caring. I can still Keanna announcing that I was now bald as Sylvia took off a few remaining strands of hair at the end of the much appreciated haircut. Quick to reassure me that I was not really bald Sylvia and I both laughed at Keanna's words.

What can make such a drastic change in the days mood? It takes people, caring people and the magic sure worked this afternoon. While I sat and jammed out a much needed and overdue appraisal Sylvia kept Keanna busy as they fed the dogs, the fish, blew bubbles and did some chores too. Keanna came in full of energy and left still full of energy but with a tiny basket of treats straight from Japan which she dearly loved.

Thank you Sylvia and Keanna for making my day! You both are very special people.

Now I'm off to town to get meds, dog food, fish food, bird food and perhaps some people food for the pantry as well.

So have a pleasant evening. To add to your pleasure I've included photographs of growing color in my yard in spite of my neglect and abuse. The iris is growing from an area where Nan long ago planted bulbs hoping for yearly visits of color and of course that flower standing so regal certainly takes me back to a happier time where she could do things like garden and plant bulbs.
Sending love to all and special praise to my brave friend Lois who is winning the battle over smoking. What a battle it has been as she has struggled with a very real challenge all week. Ray and I are both very proud of her, go girl!

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