Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Living with a grateful heart

Dear Family and Friends,
This evening as I write Donna and Ruth are sleeping upstairs. They have had a big day and have experienced something Nan and I often had to face as well. The physicians at UCSF are not always able to be on time for appointments. I remember sitting with Nan who was confined to her wheel chair for several hours before finally getting to see the doctor we had come to see. Today a 10 am appointment ended up taking 5 and 1/2 hours. The surgeon had to do some unexpected but needed surgery and simply was not available. But when they finally did get to see him things turned out well. Suzie will have surgery on the 12th of May and they expect the surgery to last 6 to 10 hours. They are in hopes they can remove the tumor and in the process remove the cancer. They see no signs of it spreading so Suzie has a very good chance of recovery.
They fought traffic to Bay Point where Suzie is staying and then came on home to my place. We had pizza and lots of fun conversation. Lois and Ray let me in on a secret. Background: this morning I decided to make bread, I pulled the machine out and looked inside to discover that the mixing part was missing. I emailed or called Sylvia to check at the church to see if it was there since I had taken bread to the church for potluck. What I had forgotten was I had given Ray half a loaf of bread and the mixer piece was in the bread. They decided to just wait and see if I would miss the little part and today I finally discovered it was missing. Tonight they showed up with the missing piece and we all had a very good laugh over it. Now I can make bread again, yea!
I attempted to see 3 properties today but the second one in Concord stood me up. She said she had asked her agent to reschedule with me for next Tuesday but no one ever passed that little tidbit of info on to me so I show up on time, wait and then knock, the teenager son does not know anything about it so I shoot my comps and move on. On to Oakland and then home again.
Life is certainly uncertain these days. With water running out of the wall in the laundry room, the potential of being out of business on Friday due to no orders and a general unease about the market, expenses, taxes, my weight. Well life is not a big happy game, yet it is pretty good. The weather is wonderful this time of year, the dryer now dries tough loads in my cycle instead of three, money has come in the mail the last two days, the house payment is paid, my health is pretty good in spite of several nasty coughing spells each day, Ken and I are walking in the mornings and the lawn automatic sprinklers are now working without leaks.
There are so many things to be grateful for, living in America, having good health care, having cars that actually run, having work to do at least for now, having a host of good friends and a great family. What is not to like? Its not bad.
Thanks for being my friend, for enhancing my life, for putting up with me.

love to all


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