Friday, April 10, 2009

Finally its Friday!

Dear Family and Friends,

At long last this week grinds to a close. I'm just back from dinner at Strings with the girls. Kallie is now holding her own bottle when it suits here and playing peek a boo with her blanket or the table napkin and then laughing big time. Keanna is continues with her art work creating more and more elaborate pictures. I've included one tonight for your enjoyment.

This morning there was no walking, just rolled out of bed and into a shower, quick oatmeal and then into the office chair where I've been cranking out work all day. Now that I've had to do a few of the new forms its beginning to be easier and take less time. I will say this, doing the various steps on the form does make one think more about the market conditions surround the appraisal.

The mail was once again a bust today, no funds. However those wanting money were busy requesting it. While I was making bread today i watched our local angler (per Lois) catch a really big one behind my house but then kindly threw it back. Starr and Lady go nuts when a person is fishing so near to our dock.

Its a nice time of year from the perspective that one does not have to have the furnace on at all. Its cool in the morning and warm by evening which should save some money on the PG&E bill which I had to pay this afternoon.

This week there have been several times when in frustration and even anger I finally just had to place things, people, situations in the Lords hands and every time He has helped work it through. How thankful I am that I'm not alone.

Well I hope you have a great weekend and enjoy some special easter time to reflect on the deeper meaning of this time. Our Lord gave everything so we could have the one things that matters in life, hope and salvation.


note the curly green hair, that dude is me with Nikki in the middle and Keanna on the other side. Note I have two dogs!

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