Thursday, April 8, 2010

16 pounds

I'm getting home late from shopping at Winco, sort of like going to a market in a 3rd world country but also sort of interesting. Prices on many items are lower if you can just locate them in the huge store. Selection of some items is very limited and healthy items are not a big concern there. For example there was a very small selection of soups and almost none with lower salt or lower fat. While I'm still not wild about grocery shopping and would much rather be at a concert or strolling on the beach once in awhile shopping becomes a necessary and I've learned to manage it well.
This morning I rode the tred mill for 30 minutes and then had steel cut oats, a slice of toast, OJ and a boiled egg. I've been pushing the water all day, its become a habit and I just keep a bottle where ever I happen to be, one in the car, one on my desk, one on the kitchen table.
I continue to enjoy the book that I mentioned yesterday. I did discover that they do have a web site but it does not look like much recent is happening there. Today the book was boring in on another principle, get rid of crap in your diet, fast food, white food, sugar etc. As I walked the isles of the store tonight it saddened me to observe how many of the recent immigrants were filling their cart of crap, packaged foods, fancy labels and the meat department was huge, I just shudder when I walk through the isles of dead things, no thanks.
This morning I completed the relo report and emailed it in. Then I began research for the two other big appraisals I have to complete, one for an 11 acre vineyard with a 6500 sf Italian Villa that is on the market for 4.4 million and the head quarters for EAS windpower, a 3400 sf home with 5 acres in the middle of windmills high in the hills between Tracy and Livermore. Now I've found dozens of comps for each, I need to cull them down, then drive the many miles to shoot photos of each, I will earn my money on each of these but again I'm thankful to have the work.
The weather is so nice right now, cool nights for ease of sleeping and sunny days to enjoy. Of course the devil throws in hay fever which can really ruin a good day.
Lois came over this morning to teach me how to download books from a library and put them into the IPOD that Marilyn so kindly provided me. Can you imagine that, you pick a book on line from the library, then you download it into your computer and then with a USB you download to the IPOD. Somehow the library makes the book disappear from your computer after a couple weeks, don't really get that part.
I would like to urge each one of you to join me in trying to recapture a great piece of life. With the new meds I'm having lots of trouble with energy levels and chest pains yet I have these wonderful moments as a reward of at least trying. As of this morning I weighed 220, down from 236 a few weeks ago. That means I no longer have to tell myself that I need to dump 90 pounds, now I get to say I need to dump 72 pounds, sounds much better. Also the jeans are fitting so much better and today I'm wearing a shirt that a few weeks ago was tight and now it is comfortable.
I spoke to Jason tonight and he is right in the middle of a program called CHIPS. He is very excited about it and thinks he may have already lost some weight. He got the results back from his blood workup and most indicators were encouraging but could be improved. So far his blood sugar is normal and I so hope both kids can keep away from diabetes. I earned mine the old fashioned way, got out of shape, ate everything in sight, lived with high levels of stress for years, you know the story.
My goal is simple, exercise for 1 hour 6 days a week. How you thought about your goal?

Sending love and caring to all,


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