Sunday, April 11, 2010

Blustery Day

Hello from the windblown shores of Willow Lake. We even had white caps today on our tranquil little lake which was sort of fun to see.
After getting to bed late last night I slept in as best I could with two noisy outbursts from Lady, my Scottish Terrier, not sure what got into her but I'm sure the neighbors did not appreciate the staccato yaps at 2:30 this morning.
This morning after a steel cut oats breakfast I immediately fell asleep at my desk and could hardly rouse myself.
In spite of many misgivings I took Starr to the clinic today which is held at the Dog Food Express every Sunday. Lois warned me of the line and so did Dana, they were so right. I've not been stuck in such a position for a very long time and I think it took over an hour to finally get up to the doctor and the shots she needed. Starr was a very good girl, no barks, no nipping at other dogs, just quiet behavior. She took the shots like it was nothing but was very glad to get out of the store and to the car. Now later in the week I can have her groomed, nails cut and teeth brushed. She is a very precious little bundle of joy for me and along with Lady helps the house seem sort of like a place to live.
This evening a friend brought back the van which helped with a project. We had a nice dinner which was a very pleasant interlude in an otherwise totally boring day.
So here we are are facing a new week, what will it hold for us? what challenges, what pleasant surprises, what opportunities, what relationship development opportunities?
For those of you who have jobs, treasure them, do your best and for those searching for work keep God close.


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