Saturday, April 17, 2010


Good evening,
I'm back, rested and feeling mellow. This morning I enjoyed a very charming couple of hours as Kallie went to Sabbath School. Today there were many children there and she fit right in. The teacher though new did a great job and even Luke, grandson of the Dunston's was visiting. He and Kallie were so cute together, both with blond heads and about the same size. What fun to see her begin to learn about prayer, the bible stories, right the bell, put in the offering and even leave it there in the little boat. She was a little angel and I loved every minute of the time I had her with me.
Once back we found mother Nikki and Keanna at some sale at a school in Brentwood, they next went to sign up for soccer and then ended up at the Black Diamond Gymnastics facility where the Olympics was being held. What a big deal, hundreds of kids took part and had a blast all doing their thing. I have great video of the event. Keanna is really learning a lot from her time spent there.
After the completion of the Olympics I headed home via Taco Bell and have enjoyed time on the back deck talking to Lois, talking to my best friends the doggies and a little while ago I made dinner, sauteed mushrooms with chopped up asparagus and a microwaved vege with cheese sauce. A totally enjoyable meal and of course I added a couple chopped tomatoes to the top of the dish. Now the dishwasher is humming and I'm watching a past episode of Bones, a program Nan introduced me to years ago and which I continue to enjoy.
This evening I had the chance to speak to Sharon, sister in law, in Texas and she is doing well, keeping very busy running her important business, adult day care, taking classes to stay current, meeting with inspectors and staying healthy.
I'm so thankful that Nikki and Steve allow me to take the girls to Sabbath School. I really believe it is a very strong and good thing to do for their futures plus they love it there. Keanna was just to booked today to go but Kallie sure had fun. The entire trip she was finding birdies, cows in the fields which she identified as cows and then enjoyed doing her moo moo for a bit. As we headed home we stopped at Burger King but she told me, no food so I just got milk for her to enjoy in her cup and I grabbed a Mocha Joes, I'm sure it has about 5 points and is filled with a lot of bad stuff but today I didn't much care about that, just wanted something to enjoy. It tasted great all the way home. Yes it was that large.
Ken is through his tax season now so is ready to start walking again. I'm ready too so in the morning at 7 we hit the road. Should be fun to walk again and share war stories about life.
So I send my love to all and wish you the very best as you face a new week. What does God have in store for each of us? Where is He leading us? What missions would He like for us to attend to this week? If we are available He will use us.


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