Saturday, April 10, 2010

The Girls Make the Day

Dear Friends and Family,
11:40 so this will be brief. This morning I picked up Kallie and Keanna for Sabbath School. Both were in high spirits and we arrived on time. For awhile Kallie was the only child and Kim did a great job of leading out, Kallie loved everything, had fun fishing, enjoyed the snacking by the fire with Jesus, picking up toys and putting them in the box, took money out of the offering boat instead of putting it in, she went for the green stuff first and after the program was over she went to the shelves and brought the little blanket to us. We unfolded it and sat in the middle waiting for us to pick up the corners and swing her like the old Ark program called for. So we played along and she smiled her big smile as we swayed her back and forth. Keanna enjoyed her Sabbath School and had all my items from the church mailbox for me when we left.
As we left town we stopped by McDonalds, then I parked and arranged all the food in the right places for both girls and we drove home. Kallie had a bit of catsup around her mouth but did pretty well.
Once I turned the girls over to their capable mother and father I drove home to regroup and have lunch with friends in Stockton at the ever faithful Olive Garden. Then it was back home for a nap in a recliner located in my bedroom that I've not sat in for a couple years. Starr joined me and we both napped a bit.
This evening I drove to Lodi Academy for their band and choir fund raiser. What a shock to hear just how well the band was prepared to do big and difficult numbers. For a school of about 100 kids 40 were involved in band or choir or even both. They ended with the 1812 Overture and it was very well done. Then they served tasty deserts. Now I'm home safely after a day of family, friends and rest. Seeing the little ones at Sabbath School is a high point of my week. I am so honored that Nikki and Steve let me take the girls and they both enjoy it most of the time. This afternoon Keanna had a tight social schedule which included a birthday party at a ranch with horse riding and as Keanna put it, dust.
Tomorrow I'll be working feverishly trying to get some work out the door. As of last evening I had no more orders to go inspect, as of this evening I have two new orders, can we say Amen!

Love to all,


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