Friday, November 20, 2009

Alls well

Dear Family and Friends,
Talk about a day when few things went right? Since I managed to stay up too late last night I didn't climb out at my regular 6:15, no it was much later and leaving a warm bed to step into a freezing cold room required some thought.
I decided to speed things up so I just had a yogurt for breakfast and sat down to work, first the Internet would hardly work and kept hanging up on normal programs, then the phones would not work properly again today, I couldn't decide which appraisal to write and I tried to pay a MLS bill but of course the money needed to cover the charges was sitting on my desk in checks to deposit so I raced down to the bank in sweats to make the needed deposit. Of course the bank would not indicate that the money existed until Monday so that took care of that objective.
Then an agent called to say he had arranged for me to be in Stockton as soon as possible to see a house, the lady was just home from a night shift and wanted to go to bed. This was totally different than what we had arranged two days ago, he was to meet me late in the afternoon.
So I dropped everything and tried to do the final research for Stockton but every step on the computer and the MLS program took minutes to load and process. Finally it was done, the printer cranked it out and I could leave.
The tenant was gracious and friendly, the house was fine and its outstanding feature was an Oak tree so huge that its branches covered the entire house from front to back, its great while it stands but the house is in major trouble if it ever falls!
Then it was back to the house and the mail but it contained some less than friendly information which sort of set me reeling for a bit. All the while I was looking at 3 reports that were to be prepared and out today, none of them went out. Fortunately Steve had been more industrious than me and he emailed me the report he had been working on and it went out.
I had planned to leave the house by 4:30 but that did not happen.
This evening the Christian Edition, a wonderful men's chorus, were singing in Lodi at the Fairmont SDA Church. I invited Lois to go with me and we met Joyce and her mother in law at the concert. The music was wonderful but at the very end as the men walked off one older guy was left sitting and it soon became evident that he was not well. Doctors came forward to attend to him and a 911 calls was made. I'm not sure of his condition but the pros were working on him the last I saw. It was a very frightening way for the concert to end and the music had been so wonderful.
Now I'm back home and ready to find solice in sleep. So in spite of a less than stellar day the conclusion is fine.
May you find peace, fellowship and enlightenment this weekend with friend and family.



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