Sunday, November 22, 2009

Comcast comes through.......

Dear Family and Friends,
After a very disappointing experience with Comcast yesterday with them handing me a "new" modem that did not work, had a 9 volt power supply and needed a 12 volt one, after that and leaving me high and dry last night my impression of the overpriced Internet service was pretty jaded.
This morning Ken dragged me around the lake at 6:30 in the very cold morning air. It took a stocking cap, gloves and my ski coat to make that fun. After the walk I decided since I could not begin work on appraisals that I would work on the office. It was stacked high with boxes, trash, the vacuum cleaner, the old lap top bag, a folding table I used to hold my brief case, the little frig and an empty fish tank and a lot of things left over from when Nan used her area for work. It has her desk, her computer with a pug cursor and had become a spot just to stack things. With Starr watching over me I began to pitch things, vacuum, sort and clear. The little frig had been running for weeks with no one even opening the door, the waters were half empty, the ice teas were old and who knows where they came from. So I decommissioned it, took down the little table and found lots of stuff that could go in the trash. Now the floor is clean, there is open space to enjoy and it just feels better. At about the time I finished my work the repair guy arrived from Comcast. For working a Sunday he was very pleasant and fortunately sharp too. He could not believe the modem they had thrust on me and just shook his head. He brought in a real "new" one and in a few minutes had things working again. Now even my phones work better and the computer speed is much better.
Once he left I settled in to create appraisals and as of now, evening two are done and emailed out. I decided that at 8 I would run in and work out at the club but once I pulled up I found that they were locked up solid, whoops, guess 11 pm is not for weekends.
Today while I've been working I've tried to clean up some habits as well. So for lunch I made a huge salad with fresh carrots chopped up in the little chopper, torn Romaine lettuce, chopped up tomato and some zero calorie salad dressing. It tasted great. Mid afternoon I grabbed an orange and peeled that, wow was it a treat. This evening I put one little pizza bread in the microwave and had that.
Today has been challenging as I had a hands on experience with many of Nan's things on her desk. While it did not cause a meltdown it did make me pause and remember how absolutely wonderful it was to work together in the same office with her. She always carried her own weight work wise and was pretty amazing in what she could remember and accomplish. I've never met anyone even remotely similar to her and I do have very warm memories of her. Mostly I'm just so proud of how she lived and loved life itself.
Well a new week has arrived and this week contains life's biggest treasure, family. We'll gather at Nikki and Steve's for Thanksgiving day and Jason, Jo and Timothy will be with us. I hope it works out that they can stay over and I'm starting the cleaning process in anticipation of that event.
I've heard today that the gentleman who had the health crisis at the end of the concert has recovered and is fine even singing a concert on Sabbath. That is wonderful news.
Well I'm about to call it a day and in many ways it has been a good day. While I worked this morning cleaning the office the temperature fell. The timed furnace turns off at 8:30 and the outside chill creeps in. I decided it was time to built a little fire so I collected a couple pieces of wood that I brought in the motorhome from my brother Jerry's house and in no time the room was 72 and has stayed comfortable all afternoon. Then I lite a little candle in a metal can that's on my desk and so the aroma of the office was greatly improved from dog kennel to classy resort! I even located a little dog bed and brought it into the office and Starr has been in that bed all day long.
So my family or friend, thanks for reading my thoughts and please be kind to those you love, extra words cost you nothing and yet can do wonders for someones heart nearby. Loving people is the great commission and we can do it every day in so many different ways.
Take care,



1 comment:

Bob and Carrol. said...

Hi Tim,

Just got back from the Chemo Center in Stockton, Carrol's regular Aridia Infusion 4 hours as usual. She still remains off Chemo and Her Dr cleared Her for the Knee Replacement Surgery on Friday the 4th. We are Praying for good results and a major reduction in Her Pain etc.

What a beautiful Day it is and they are telling Us that We should have at least a week of the same ahead.

Have a good Week and take care.

Love You,

Bob & Carrol.