Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Pleasant day

Dear Family and Friends,
It started so early, this day with a horrible buzzing that turned out to be my alarm clock. I bounded out of bed into the chilly room, some nut had left the ceiling fan on all night! Ken and I both found the 3 miles long today, seems we've been doing other things, like getting sick and traveling.
After an oatmeal breakfast I quickly did some office work and loaded up for the trip to Sebastopol, about 1 hour and 45 minutes. The morning was perfect and I have the latest book by Dan Brown, all 14 CDs to listen to so I loaded 8 of them up and headed out. Traffic was light and soon I arrived. I found a 30 year old home with a perfect setting at the end of a little lane. The house has stood empty for a year after it occupants died. Now the family was beginning to sort things and get it into shape so it can be rented. There were evidences of a rich and full life everywhere and I walked through a house filled with memories for the son who inherited. His wife met me and she was lovely, helpful and warmed me of black widows. I measured the house trying to avoid the alleged spiders and then left. After another hour of driving to locate comps I left the area, asked the GPS for a Taco Bell as I was feeling the effects of lowering blood sugar, had lunch and then drove to Oakland. What a contrast to the quiet pastoral scene I had just left. Here everything was in a hurry, noise permeated the air and the streets were too narrow to allow safe passage. Of course the house I had come to inspect was NOT completed, still boarded up and someone is not doing their job of getting it done. So after shooting some comps for yet another appraisal in the area I headed home.
A phone call alerted me to a Thursday evening session with a trainer to get me started on the machines at the club and then I was home.
This evening I've written up the property I saw today and now it is finally time to go to bed. I feel much better this evening with less nasty times of coughing. My eyes are very tired and one is filled with blood as it has been for the last few days, not sure why.
I want to once again state for the record how much I appreciate phone calls from friends and family. What a lift to a dull day to hear from a friend, you may not be a person that enjoys standing in front of a crowd or a power broker but you can call a lonely friend and make a huge difference. I am blessed with such friends and family, wow it is nice.



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