Sunday, November 15, 2009

Lois walks on water briefly

Dear Family and Friends,
What an interesting day this has been! Jim, my wonderful IT guy just introduced me to Google Crome which is a different way to access the Internet, different than Windows Explorer 8 which I am currently using and dislike. And yes it is faster by far but I could not access the blog since I have no idea what my google password is, that will have to come later.

This morning while I was outside preparing the motorhome for the storage facility Ray walked over to say good morning. While we were talking I pointed out the broken shroud on the passenger side mirror. It has been broken for years since I managed to just tap a protruding piece of metal on the second bridge coming home from Stockton on our lovely levee road. On my recent trip home from Jason and Jo's place the shroud / cover started to flap in the wind and it was a bit frightening, I thought it might break. Ray took a close look at it and together we went to work. I said lets do it someday and Ray said, lets do it now. He won and so did I eventually. We were able to get a couple screws into some hidden places that now hold it securely and firmly. It was nice to have it fixed.

After we completed our work he had me call Lois who was reading the paper at McDonalds after her breakfast. She agreed to meet me at the storage facility so I was able to get the motorhome out of my driveway before the local association started sending me letters.

When I came home I made breakfast, some very heavy and tasty waffles full of oats and good things. Then I set to work doing filing and starting to work. Before long an IM message came in, would I like to go out on the lake in their new pontoon boat, I said no I could not and then changed it to yes. We had a very nice time circling the 90 acre lake, the weather was perfect, the geese were everywhere. When we rounded on corner we found a huge tree on one of the islands filled with cormorants, I mean filled. When we arrive home Ray brought the boat in next to the dock and as Lois was stepping onto the dock she ended up in that terrible place all boaters have been in, one foot on the dock, one on the boat and the boat is going away, suddenly she was down in the cold water gasping. So all three of us worked for some time helping her get back onto dry land, what a frightening and freezing experience. Her cell phone got wet, her bluetooth earpiece got lost and her coat must have weighted 30 lbs when we finally got it off her back. She was very brave but it is a hard position to be in. When I checked later she had showered in warm water and was tucked in bed getting her warmth back. That was a little more excitement than any of us had planned for.

This evening I made some wheat penne with some mushroom soup, corn and tomatoes. I found the sauce growing some lovely white flowers so I forgo that experience. Over the weekend the microwave of 22 years has died. So I'm searching the web for good deals and I'm amazed at the low prices compared to when we bought the last one.

Well tomorrow its back to the grind, San Jose at noon is confirmed at the moment and of course the relentless search for money. In general I am feeling much better. I had only a couple bouts of hard coughing today and less headache pain. Perhaps a corner is to be turned, I hope so.

I had a conversation with Keanna on the way to church on Sabbath morning. I mentioned to her how often I longed to be able to sit on a park bench with Jesus and just have a question and answer session. There is so much I don't understand and I often feel like there are so many things wrong with the person I have become that it is almost hopeless. How did a life of productivity slip away? I'm not giving up, I have a family to live for and to enjoy but how I wish I was just better at everything from social graces to money management, from dressing properly to knowing my way around the kitchen better. I would love to entertain but I am pretty unsure of myself at the whole process. Just musings of a less than perfect guy.

So I send my love and deep appreciation to each and every one of you who read, may you find joy in this day and a powerful reason for living.



1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey dad,

I just heard on the radio this morning that google is supposed to be coming out with an actual operating system this week. They said since you can use all of the google "apps", you only need the operating system to log on to the internet. Pretty cool, huh?
