Friday, November 6, 2009

Keanna comes for a sleep over

Its 9:10 and I think she has fallen asleep. One never knows with a 6 year old. She arrived early evening and Nikki stayed for a bit and then went to her scrapbooking marathon. Keanna and I made pasta, lots of it. She had brought a cheer leading outfit and a DVD with elementary routines to learn. So Keanna complete with pompoms and her cheer leading outfit worked for a long time attempting to match what she saw on the screen. It was really well done and she seemed to have a blast. I kept refilling her plate with pasta and she kept making it disappear. Then she started on the strawberry jellos and enjoyed several. She also made an apple juice disappear. Finally she was so tired from her big day at school her early wake up this morning and the cheer leading workout that she headed for bed. We read a couple books and prayed and I hope she is asleep.
In the morning we'll have breakfast and head to Sabbath School where Keanna will enjoy her time in Sabbath School. She mentioned Olive Garden but we'll see what develops.
This has been a day which started early as I cared for the girls. Keanna was great this morning and helped a lot. She even brushed Kallie's hair and then her own.
After I had them safely delivered I came home and had breakfast, cleaned the kitchen and wrote an appraisal for the Mountain View condo. It was very difficult and I just completed it before going to Brentwood for a haircut from our favorite lady. Then it was back home to tidy up the house a bit and relax before I heard the front door open and suddenly she was here, fired up and ready to enjoy her time at Pappa's house.
Just now I've had a chance to catch up with Jerry, my brother and Art my other brother. Now I'm heading for some well deserved rest. Good night all,



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