Saturday, November 14, 2009

A happy day

Dear Family and Friends,
Ken and I walked this morning, it seems so long ago now.
I took Keanna to Sabbath School which she really enjoyed. Then we checked out the local McDonalds in Tracy near 205 and found it to still be under renovation, not open so at Keanna's request we drove to Brentwood to a nice new McDonalds where she ordered her happy meal herself. We settled in next to the indoor play area and Keanna started to eat. After a few bites she was off to play for a bit and then came back for more bites. Soon the food was gone. Meanwhile a nice grandmother sat next to us and we started to talk. Keanna knew her grand child from preschool and in the course of the conversation I learned grandma has 15 grandchildren and 3 great grandchildren. She lost her husband a few years ago and has had some tough readjusting to do. She was a delightful lady of Greek descent and obviously adored her grand daughters. There was another lady nearby who daughter Keanna recognized from the gym where they play together. The three story high play structure rocked with the screams and yells of the many kids playing there. Everyone had a great time. Keanna nearly wore herself out playing and finally she agreed to head home.
At home Ray and Lois came over to clip Starrs toenails, one had grown right into the pad of her paw. Lois knew just what to do to clip the nails and Starr seemed to appreciate getting rid of the pain in her paw.
I rested for a bit and watched the christian dish programming. At one point this morning Dwight Nelson was preaching on two different channels, the programs were from different weeks. He is the pastor of Pioneer Memorial at Andrews University where I took graduate work for my MDiv. He is a great communicator. Then I watched an evensong from Loma Linda University where the church organist was playing some really great works on the pipe organ.
Nikki to called to ask if I would take Keanna to the Harvest Festival at the Tracy SDA gym and I agreed. We are just back from a lot of fun at a very well planned program.
Now its bed time and I'm so ready.
This has been a great Sabbath and I even got to sit in the adult class for awhile with Loren teaching, that is a special experience!
Love to all,


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