Monday, November 2, 2009

A people day

Dear Family and Friends,

Jason rolled me out this morning about 8. I had been up at 6 since the dogs were very thirsty and insisted on a drink, then a trip outside. After a good dose of cold and early morning mist the bed felt good again. You see last night late I had to raid Jason's dog food behind his house as my planning had not included enough food for my ravinous dogs. When they eat late then they wake up early thirsty.

Jason suggested we head to the beach and it was very beautiful. It was a real privilege to spend this time with him and I think we both enjoyed the breakers as we walked. After we returned he had to go to work so I showered and prepared the coach for travel. You would not think it takes much to get ready but here are a few of the steps. Unhook the electrical power and stow the cords, activate the slide out making sure there is nothing in the way, open the front curtains, turn the front chairs forward, wind down the antenna, lock all cabinet doors, double check the frig for open food containers, put away the toaster, wind down all ceiling vents, clear the table, bungee cord the chairs in place, place water and drink near the drivers chair, drive forward and stow the plastic leveling devices after digging them out of the yard, sorry Jason and Jo, double check everything one last time, say a sad good bye to Timothy and Jo and DRIVE!

This time I used Highway 129 and stopped in Gilroy where I got to see Art and Connie. They are just back from a trip to San Martin and are tanned and fit looking. Art and I went to lunch nearby, they had whole beans, yea!

Then I headed home. The trip was uneventful with a few phones calls from clients. When I neared Livermore I called Nikki and confirmed that our newly completed Vasco Road was open. It is amazing, you feel like you are on the top of a mountain with valleys on bothside. Very nice and gives one another place to pass.

Finally I arrived home at about 3:15 and to my delight found some checks in the mail, enough to cover the last of the house payment. I raced down to the bank to get them in just in time.

This evening Ray and Lois came over to welcome me home and to watch me unload. It always seems like there is so much to move back into the house for such a short trip. Now its all back in where it belongs, the dogs are glad to be home and I'm in the office planning for tomorrow. I'd rather be at the beach for sure but duty calls.

I wish I could report that all the pains and problems were gone. I came home with the constant headache, sore chest and coughing. The neck is sort and stiff, same as the last few weeks. My left eye has blood from a broken vessel and probably looks worse than it really is. At this point I'm not even sure how to proceed, how to get help. All I know is that this is no way to live. The time spent with Jason and Jo was wonderful and relaxing, like a mini vacation to a foreign shore, it was hard to leave.

So I'm wishing each of you a pleasant evening.



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