Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Working out is really hard work!

Dear Family and Friends,
I'm just in from a workout session at the gym in Brentwood. I just carried my clothes in the trunk of the car and when I ran out of time doing appraisal work due to no light I turned for home. After working my way through a traffic maze I stopped at the club where I was greeted warmly by the front desk and went to work.
What starts to benignly at first turns into burning muscles by the last of the 3rd set of 12. Sometimes I think I can't finish but so far I've been able to. On some of the machines I've been able to increase the weight while others remain a huge challenge just as they are. After completing my round of the 8 stations I decided to take a peak at the racquet ball courts and I could hear from the distinctive sounds before I even arrived that games were going on. Due to the way the club is organized the walkway takes you by the courts at a level at the top so one can peer down and observe the game that is going on. In one court a lone woman was just practicing but in the other court a game of cut throat was going on. Cut throat is played by three players and one person serves but must defend his or her round by playing the other two players, then when the serve is lost the players rotate and then next steps up to play alone against the other two. It is a very lively game and loads of fun. However at this point I would not last even a few minutes, not in shape enough yet to tackle it but soon, very soon I'll be in there playing again. It is my favorite game since one gets such an excellent workout yet you don't waste your time chasing a ball like in tennis. This is intense and a wonderful way to gain exercise.
This morning Ken and I walked in some chilly weather and discussed carbs of which I know nothing, seems I need to but at this point all I know is they are bad, nasty, evil things that we all need to stay alive.
I cranked appraisals out this morning in my newly cleaned office and then left to do field work. On the way I made a deposit (yes, praise the Lord), filled up with diesel and drove to Concord to collect a check for work already completed, then to Richmond to see a nice little place and then it was getting dark so the rest of the planned day will have to wait.
For those of you considering starting a more vigorous exercise program I urge you to join me and take the first step. Club, walk in the park, go up and down your stairs, lift the remote above your head 50 times, whatever take the challenge.

And now I bid each of you farewell and good night.


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