Monday, November 23, 2009

Normal at last

Dear Family and Friends,
This has been a really nice day. It started with the customary walk with Ken through the artic air at 6:30. After a lively discussion of our love for the computers we work with every day Ken came over after the walk and helped me find a solution, we switched the default browser back to Explorer from Chrome, that little change has helped my day go so well.
After Ken left I headed upstairs to shower but turned off at the kitchen. There waiting silently for me was my mug of steel cut oats. I retrieved it from the hot water and added cinamon, sea salt, flax seeds and a bit of low fat soy milk. The resulting meal was outstanding. One could not ask for better oatmeal.
Once fed I ended up going back to the office which is now a pleasure to enter, all tidy with space to move about and set to work. I wrote several appraisals and the computer worked quickly letting me find the data, plat maps, photos, maps that I needed. How nice to not have to wait while it cranked. Today even the phones worked well and they rang a lot with new work, conditions on old work and some telemarketers.
As the day progressed I realized that I'd not checked the mail. With what came in the mail today it looks like I can pay the house payment, yea! I mean praise the Lord.
This evening I had the high privilege of being invited for dinner to Mary's home. She was Nan's mentor in the travel business and became a dear friend over the years. Her faithful visits to Nan week after week were something Nan looked forward to with anticipation.
Mary turned out a wonderful meal with so many good things, fine cottage cheese loaf, kiesh, veges, soup, whole wheat buns, fruit, pumpkin pie and salad. What a feast and what fun to chat with everyone that was there.
Now I'm home and I'm going to work a bit more tonight as I want to be able to see properties tomorrow which are located miles from each other. Richmond, Campbell, Oakland, Hayward, yes all over.
I was struck today with the kindness I experience from so many directions, from Ken helping with the browser this morning, to Ray finding just the ladder I needed for FHA inspections, from Lois who jumped on the internet and located a salt water source much closer than the normal Dublin place I go to, to Nikki finding a good microwave at Target for $49, to Joyce feeding me soup and apple pie, to Debra from Benicia with the steel cut oat cooking suggestions and that is just in the last few days. Then there is the bag of special ingredients in the frig from Sylvia for future bread making attempts! How does one live without the input of friends, how can one survive without the sage wisdom of an Art who tells it like it is but with kindness or freshly trimmed rose bushes at LeAnn's hand. Wow wow wow I am blessed. And I'm surrounded with pictures created by Keanna and paintings from Timothy. How fun it was to sit in the Sabbath School class taught by Loren and hear input from friends that go back 35 years or more.
And then there is the daily dose of wisdom and love from my brother Jerry.
So next time I get down and depressed will someone remind me to just open my eyes and feel the love.
Good night to one and all, Thanksgiving is on its way and its coming to a table located near you.



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