Saturday, November 21, 2009

A great day

Dear Family and Friends,
What an exciting day. Nikki, Keanna and Kallie went to Sabbath School and both little girls had a great time. Kallie really got into the program and she and Nikki had a blast. Keanna was a big girl and let me go to an adult class for the entire time. Wes said she got very involved in Sabbath School.
Since the girls were with their mom today I stayed for church. How that lady can preach. It was a very nice service with lots of singing.
After church I had sung up a storm and was hungry so I went to Texas Roadhouse. They have really good sides and so I enjoyed a baked potato, veges and a salad.
When I got home I rested for a bit and then I went to Brentwood where I traded in my modem at 4:45. Comcast had told me to trade it in for no charge. I did so and then Ray and Lois and I went shopping for groceries. It was my second time to WinCo and I think we found bargains.
When I got home I eagerly hooked up the new modem. Would you believe it not only did not work but soon the sound of burning electrical was in the air. That left me without any Internet.
So how am I writing this blog? I'm at Steve and Nikki's so I could communicate with you my faithful reader.
Well I made an anxious call to Comcast this evening and after their first suggestion that I go buy a new modem which I rejected they agreed to come to my home between 10 and noon tomorrow to bring a new modem and fix things. Since I had a huge day of work to accomplish I sure hope they show up.
Well I'm going to sign off now.
Love to all,


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