Sunday, November 8, 2009

I don't like the Heathcare destruction bill!

Dear Family and Friends,
I woke this morning to hear the sad news that another piece of the American dream has been trampled under the feet of Nancy and her gang. In a misguided effort to duplicate the healthcare systems of England and Canada the house has moved forward with this horrible mishmash of taxes, restrictions and government mandates. It has darkened my whole day. Freedom seems more and more under attack as the do gooders in Washington move to punish achievement and reward non producers. And the idea of slapping a fine on anyone who does not get health insurance, even sending them to jail, well now there is a great idea we can believe in. It really makes me want to run right out and build a successful company and hire new people, not!
Other than the depressing news out of socialist Washington the day has been great. The weather has been cheery and I've been able to get some important work accomplished along with doing some slacking too.
I tried to make coffee this morning. I found the coffee pot had old coffee grounds in it and stale coffee so I cleaned it as best as I could and then found the grinder and ground a few beans and made a couple cups. Shortly there after I remembered why I do not drink coffee as a rule. My heart raced and I didn't feel that great for a couple hours. I think my coffee making will be confined to decaf from now on.
For most of the day I enjoyed music from the direct TV dish, concert hall music and it was grand.
This evening just as I was getting ready to dump some noodles into a pan of boiling hot water the phone called me away. It was Nikki and she told me, stop, don't cook. So I got to go her the kids house where I found the girls playing, laughing, enjoying themselves and the house was full of cooking aromas. Nikki had prepared a wonderful meal and it was a very nice time to unwind with the precious 4.
Now I'm home preparing for tomorrow. First to San Jose in the morning, then to Alameda for a triplex and then to Stockton by 3 pm. Then to the club at 7:30 for a meeting with Milan, personal trainer. It should be a great day if the headaches will just stay away and the coughing cease.
Sending my very best hopes for an excellent week for you. My Benicia friend is starting on a Vegan diet and I wish her well. Hope she will share more of what she is actually doing!
Love to all



carol and roger said...

Hi Tim,
I just got caught up with you from the last couple of weeks. It looks like life keeps on keepin' on for you. You have enough work to keep you afloat. You still miss Nan a LOT! You are still enjoying your kids and love your family greatly. Keanna still comes now and then for sleep overs. All in all you are coping.
I guess I need to send a separate e-mail. I have way too much to tell you in this small space and most of your readers really wouldn't be interested.
I just want you to know I do still read your blog from time to time and we love you and care about you.

Love and prayers ~ Carol

Bob and Carrol. said...

Hi Tim,

Good to read that You are making progress on several fronts.

We are now waiting for Dec 4th to arrive , Carrol gets Her Knee fixed that day. She is anxious, to say the least. Hoping for major pain relief and much better mobility for sure.

Have a great week ahead and enjoy the beautiful SanJoaquin Valley Fall Weather.

Much Love,

Bob & Carrol.

Deborah W said...

Others have asked to know more detail of my vegan diet challenge so I'm writing about it on my blog ( Hope I can post regularly the way you do! Glad to hear you are also on the road to better health; have fun at the gym!
