Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Health status update.... not too bad

Dear Family and Friends,
Today was dedicated to a doctor visit to discovery results from last Friday's blood draw. The results were much better than I expected based on how I have been feeling. Cholesterol was just 106 which was a shock. Triglycerides were a bit high but not too alarming and the balance between good and bad levels was surprisingly good. Doctor Jim who was my next door neighbor in college at PUC has prescribed several tests to be done as soon as possible. I will be having the joys of some lower back xrays for the night time back pain, a cardio evaluation with Dr. Savage including a treadmill stress test and a colonoscopy which everyone says is such a blast to experience. In addition he wants me to come back on the 21st for a full physical and see my eye doctor as soon as possible. He says with diabetes one needs an eye exam every year. In addition I found out that Dr. Jim still loves to play racquet ball and I am joining a club called In Shape which is about to have racquet ball courts at the completion of construction.

Its going to be difficult to work in some appraisal work between all the tests and procedures. My weight was down 4 lbs today over the high point so I felt good about that. The visit with Jim was very pleasant and helpful. On the 16th I'm going to his evening cooking school, a 2 hour session on the importance of eating the right foods and how to prepare them. It costs $50 but I think it will be worth it.

I was on my way to the doctor this morning when I found out they had overbooked so I came back home and worked, paid bills and then drove back at 2. After the visit I went to the PetCo and purchased good quality food for Starr and Lady, they are my precious company these days and I don't want them sick. I also got some decent cat food and some treats. Then to Trader Joe's which is one of my favorite stores. Since I am having to be very careful with my tooth due its current extreme weakness I purchased some soup and some soft bread. Then to Longs for meds and to turn in a new prescription. I've been taking Avandia for a long time but lately the press is reporting some heart issues with it so the doctor switched to a saver drug called Actos. I currently take Actos, Amaryl, Altace, Aspirin, Glucophage, Crestor, Zetia, Tricor and Niaspan along with 4 large fish oil tablets every day. Someday when I've lost weight perhaps some of these can be removed as I don't care to take drugs at all.

Tomorrow is the day to meet the oral surgeon at his office in Stockton for a consultation. Then Art and I drive to Lincoln Hills in Sac to do an appraisal and hopefully meet Gerry and Barbie Lammerding at the local Spaghetti Factory. Then on to San Pablo to see a unit and then home. Art will be my guest for the evening. I am really looking forward to seeing friends. Thank you Connie for sharing Art with me tomorrow.

Someone called today about the stair chair and I so hope it can go to someone with the same need we had. What a helper that chair was for Nan. It let her move about freely for many months, perhaps a year and let her sleep in her own bed all that time in the privacy of our bedroom instead of the middle of the living room. What a blessing David and Sharon were to have provided it for Nan.

Jason called this evening and reported that his house was sort of groaning or shuddering. It did not sound good at all and I hope he still has a house by morning. Not your usual phone call at all.

When I got home tonight I opened a can of soup from Trader Joe's. It was soooooo good, 2 minutes in the microwave, some crackers, a couple left over biscuits with peanut butter, a glass of milk and I had a feast. I'm learning to survive and would rather eat here now than out.

Please join me in prayer for Jason, Jo and Timothy tonight and for Irene who continues to battle pains due to the medicine she is on.

Thanks for the nice messages to the blog today, I find it very hard to believe that Joyce Connor can get Social Security. That is for old people and she is NOT old, something can't be right. Bob and Carrol, I had no idea so many lost trees and fences and Wes, thanks for pointing out that in spite of a root canal it was a good day overall.




Bob & Carrol said...

Hi Tim,

Still trying to get this new format to accept My blog entrys.

Bob & Carrol

Bob & Carrol said...

Hi Tim,

Well this one went through! I'm going to get out of the site altogether and try one more time.

Bob & Carrol

Bob & Carrol said...

Hi Tim,

One more time!

Bob & Carrol

Bob & Carrol said...

Hi Tim,

I guess I finally did the correct thing1 Now We will see what happens tomorrow Morning when I try again.

I colud not seem to get anything sent without entering my password and when I did thet it said that it was Invalid!

Now I am getting a field that I can use that does not ask for the password even though I had to give one to open the account.

Electronics drive Me Nuts!!!

Hope you had a good Day.

Bob & Carrol.

Carol and Roger said...

Aha! I think it is going to work this time. Tomorrow?

Well, Tim it looks like you got a good initial report from your first round of tests. Maybe you're not is as bad shape as you thought you were. Now to get that tooth taken care of and you're good to go. Where? I'm not sure.

Things have settled down here into a "normal" grind again. What a relief! No, we didn't hire the lady, but it is such a relief that we didn't that we have new energy. I wonder how long that will last. We are in need of someone to "mind the shop" for us the middle of February. We plan to be away. I guess we could shut the place down if we have to.

Got to get to bed! I'll try this thing again tomorrow. Maybe we have to put in a password every day???
